The Frame package implements a standard tetrad formalism in which one sets up a basis of four contravariant vectors that form a ``connection'' between the tensor and frame indices (following Chandra, ?? ref):
The index enclosed in parenthesis distinguishes tetrad indices from normal tensor indices. As well, we may define the covariant vectors
and the matrix inverse of such that:
and we may also define a constant symmetric matrix so that
This matrix functions as a metric for the tetrad indices, and can be
used to raise and lower indices. This ``metric'' is often assumed
to be diagonal and Minkowskian so that the vectors form an
orthonormal basis, but other forms can also be assumed, as shown below.
An important relation between the tensor metric and the connections exists:
The tetrad components of any tensor can be found via
and the tensor components of a tetrad can be found via the inverse relation:
In REDTEN the tetrad metric is created via the function frmetric(), which by default creates a metric of the form
and with a non-nil second argument creates a Minkowskian metric. For example,
#: frmetric() computing eta1 cofactor finished. determ finished. invert finished. eta1creates a frame metric of the first type, while
#: frmetric(nil, t) computing eta2 invert finished. eta2creates a Mikowskian frame metric. Note that the second argument to frmetric() should not be quoted. frmetric() makes default metric names in the same way as metric() does for tensor metrics: a base name followed by a sequence number. The default base name is eta which is the value of frmetric. The optional first argument to frmetric() can be used to create a metric with another name. In all cases the target of the generic name eta is set to be the newly created metric.
To use the frame package the user must determine in advance the
structure of the particular tetrad for the chosen metric.
These are entered into the system and, along with the frame metric,
the tensor metric can be constructed from them with the function
tenmetric() (see below).
In the current implementation the user must enter components for the
and declare this as a connection via the setcon()
command. Again using the Kerr metric as an example, we have
#: coords '(t r th ph); #: frmetric(); computing eta1 cofactor finished. determ finished. invert finished. eta1 #: mkobj ('(l n m), '(-1)); l aThis is the Kinnersley frame used to set up a null-tetrad as the basis of the Newmann-Penrose formalism (see §6.3). The frame is specified by the vectorsn a m a #: ias (l); l[0] = 1; l[1] = -rho2/delta; l[2] = 0; l[3] = -a*sin(th)^2; l #: ias (n); n[0] = delta; n[1] = rho2; n[2] = 0; n[3] = -a*delta*sin(th)^2; n #: ias(m); m[0] = i*a*sin(th); m[1] = 0; m[2] = -rho2; m[3] = -i*(r^2+a^2)*sin(th); m #: complex (rhob)$ #: let r^2=sin(th)^2*a^2-a^2+rho2$ #: let rhob*cnj(rhob)=rho2$ #: mkobj('z,'(2 -1),'(),'(),'connection); a z b #: z[0,i]==l[i]; 0 z = l i i #: z[1,i]==n[i]; 1 z = n i i #: z[2,i]==m[i]; 3 z = m i i #: z[3,i]==cnj(m[i]); 3 z = cnj (m ) i i #: setcon (z); z
At this point it is convenient to discuss the complex arithmetic package in REDTEN. Other complex packages may exist and could be used in place of the one supplied with REDTEN, but they must use the function cnj() to carry out conjugation, since this name is coded into the REDTEN source.