United Way Campaign

Letter from Leanne Carson, Campaign Chair, U of T Scarborough

Dear Colleagues:

As Campaign Chair, I am asking for your support for the 2006 annual United Way Campaign, which runs until Nov. 10.

The United Way provides support to more than 200 agencies in the Greater Toronto Area.  Their mission is to "improve lives and build community by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective action." 

By supporting the United Way, your gift can directly touch the lives of people, keeping our community strong.  This year's campaign is focused on Youth and Family Poverty, by concentrating on 13 inner-city suburban areas.

The University of Toronto is the leader among educational institutions, with the most dollars raised in support of this vital community effort.  In 2005, $842,477 was raised by U of T employees, retirees and students! The 2006 campaign is fully underway with the goal of increasing that support to $1M.

Recently, you should have received your United Way pledge form through campus mail.  If you are willing and able to support, please complete the pledge form and return it to the Division of University Advancement, 21 King's College Circle (return envelopes were provided in your package).  This year, gift giving has been made easier by allowing you the option of phoning in your donation/pledge as well.

I have extra pledge forms, return envelopes and more information to share.  If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (416) 287-7544 or carson@utsc.utoronto.ca

I am delighted to be a part of the campus campaign, and thank you for your support!

Leanne Carson,

United Way Campaign Chair, 

Assistant Registrar, Financial Aid & Awards

University of Toronto Scarborough