New Mexico
United States of America
35°06' 106°37'
Information supplied by
Christopher A. Houser
Scarborough College Coastal Research Group, 1265 Military Trail, Scarborough,
Ontario, M1C 1A4
Dated Wed Nov 17 21:14:29 1999 |
Information Topics:
City Description:
The City of Albuquerque was incorporated in 1885, shortly after the arrival
of the railroad. Growth in the city was spurred during Wold War II and
continued through the Cold War, by the Kirtland Air Force Base and various
nuclear weapons facilities. The employment opportunities and the well-publicized
quality of life lead to a steady population growth from 35,000 in 1940
to over 500,000 in the 1990's. In 1996, the population of Albuquerque was
estimated to be over 670,000, with a growth rate of 13.7%, making it one
of the 50 fastest growing cities in the United States. Today, Albuquerque
is the regional centre of New Mexico, as is supported by various industry
including tourism, and research institutes.
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At an average elevation of 1800 m above sea level, the City of Albuquerque
lies within a semiarid climatic zone. Temperature ranges from a low of
8 C in January to a high of 33 C in July. The average annual precipitation
is 22 cm, of which 40% falls in the summer months during large storm events.
However, the high summer temperatures, low relative humidity, abundant
sunshine, and frequent wind result in large evaporation rates. Evaporation
is estimated to be around 50 cm per year with a potential evaporation rate
of 152 cm per year. As a result, the Albuquerque area regularly suffers
drought conditions during the summer months, most recently in 1996.
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Basic Hydrogeology:
The hydrogeology of the Albuquerque area has been thoroughly documented
by United States Geologic Survey (U.S.G.S.), as part of its Groundwater
Atlas initiative (1995). The Rio Grande aquifer is the principal aquifer
system in a 70,000-square-mile area of southern Colorado, central New Mexico,
and Western Texas (Figure 1). The aquifer system consists of a network
of hydraulically connected aquifers in intermountain basin-fill deposits,
located along the Rio Grande Valley and nearby valleys. Groundwater flow
is controlled by differences in water levels within the individual semi-enclosed
basins, with a relatively small quantity of water flowing through narrow
basin fill zones between the larger basins. The aquifer system in the Albuquerque
area lies within the Albuquerque-Belen basin that forms part of the Rio
Grande rift. The rift extends from Leadville, Colorado to Las Cruces, New
Mexico. The rift is a northward-trending series of interconnected downfaulted
and rotated blocks located between uplifted blocks to the east and west.
In the Albuquerque, the rift has been filled with volcanic rocks and alluvium
to a depth of 20,000 ft. The bedrock formations that bound the basin consist
of Precambrian age granite, quartzite, schist, and gneiss, in addition
to Paleozoic age marine deposits, volcanics, and clastic sedimentary rocks.
Although some volcanic material, solution-altered carbonate rocks, and
fractured beds can yeild water in local areas, the bedrock as a whole is
considered to be an impermeable base to the aquifer system. Two geologic
formations are the primary water-yielding material in the aquifer system,
creating a complex series of unconfined and confined aquifers. The older
Santa Fe group consists of unconsolidated to moderately consolidated lenticular
deposits of gravel, sand, and clay, interbedded in some areas with andesitic
and rhyolitic lava flows. The younger basin fill consists of interbedded
quaternary gravel, sand, silt, and clay of fluvial origin in the Rio Grande
valley. The younger basin fill material is similar in appearance and composition
to the underlying older basin fill, from which it was derived, when the
Rio Grande was entrenched by as much as 60 to 130 ft below the present
floodplain. Thus, the contact between the older and younger units is approximately
100 ft below the present floodplain. Depth to water in the unconfined layer
ranges from 0 (at the Rio Grande) to 100 ft below the land surface. Shomaker
(1997) estimates that the unconfined aquifer system ranges up to 4500 m
thick, and stores in excess of 1011 m3. In contrast the United
States Geologic Survey (1993) found that the most productive zone of the
aquifer system is much less extensive and thinner than was formerly assumed.
It is predicted that the aquifer is only 1000 m thick. Transmissivities
in the region South of the city have been estimated through pumping tests
at 7400 m2/day (Thorn et al., 1993). Recharge to the aquifer
system originates as precipitation in the surrounding mountainous areas.
Runoff from rainfall or snowmelt flows a short distance before percolating
through streambeds on the permeable alluvial fans. Some of the precipitation
that falls on the mountains can supply water to bedrock aquifers that are
formed by fractures or permeable layers in the material. The bedrock aquifers
can discharge water directly to the basin-fill aquifer in the central valley
along the mountain front, or discharge water to base-flow to mountain streams
that recharge the basin-fill within the valley. Most of the precipitation
that falls within the river valley is lost to evaporation and transpiration,
with little water percolating to a depth sufficient to recharge the aquifer.
Beds of relatively impermeable clay, silt, or unfractured volcanic rocks
restrict the vertical movement of this groundwater to the unconfined layer.
Within the Albuquerque basin groundwater flow is directed towards the river
in the centre of the valley, induced by a groundwater level altitude difference
of approximately 60 metres. However, groundwater withdrawal has lowered
the water levels in the unconfined aquifer enough to reverse hydraulic
gradients and induce additional recharge from the Rio Grande. Hansen (1995)
estimates that 0.08*109 m3/yr of the Rio Grande streamflow
recharges the aquifer.
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Water Use:
Groundwater is currently the sole source of water supply for the City of
Albuquerque, although surrounding irrigation projects extract water from
surface supplies (NMWRRI, 1995). The city operates 93 water wells, distributed
over 200 square miles, to a depth of 1,800 feet. In 1995, a total of 167*106
m3/yr was extracted from the groundwater supply, with a return
flow to the aquifer of 80.4*106 m3/yr, for a total
depletion of 86.6*106 m3/yr. Shomaker (1997) estimates
that the demand for water will increase to 250*106 m3/yr
by 2060. At present, the per capita water usage is one of the highest in
the United States Southwest at 0.95 m3/day (City of Albuquerque,
1996). This high consumption rate is partly the result of Albuquerque having
one of the lowest water-usage rates in the U.S. at $22.64 per 9000 gallons
(34.2 m3), which are based on a service charge plus a flat rate
per unit.
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Groundwater Issues:
As summarized by Smith (1989), rights to surface waters in New Mexico are
regulated by a Doctrine of Prior Appropriation, and therefore, additional
water use in Albuquerque is from groundwater. However, a close hydraulic
connection between the river and the aquifer moderates water levels in
both systems. Since the quantity of water in the Rio Grande is affected
by groundwater abstraction, then developers of the groundwater supply must
acquire sufficient water rights to offset the impacts of pumping. Until
the early 1990's urban planning in the city was based on drawdown models
developed in 1967 through the Theis equation (Thorn et al., 1993). Using
this equation the City acquired sufficient pumping rights such that reclaimed
wastewater would act as sufficient recharge to maintain the current level
of the aquifer. However, the original model was based on assumptions of
a homogeneous, isotropic, semi-infinite aquifer, with a fully-penetrating
surface flow, and a perfect connection to the underlying aquifer (Thorn
et al., 1993). These assumptions overestimated the recharge from the surface
flow, and hence groundwater levels beneath the city started to drop more
rapidly than expected. In order to offset the rapid decline in water levels,
the city bought 59.4*106 m3/yr from the Colorado
River system (Earp et al., 1998). Water is diverted from tributaries of
the San Juan river and then rerouted to the Rio Grande. However, water
levels continued to drop, leading to a reduction in the streamflow of the
river. Although water rights to the Rio Grande are well entrenched, increased
demand downstream in Texas, and Northern Mexico may lead to new arrangements.
Considering the water demand in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, which has a population
base greater than the rest of the Rio Grande basin combined, changes in
the allocation of surface water may lead to further restrictions on the
water rights of cities upstream, including Albuquerque. The dewatering
of the aquifer in the Albuquerque area has raised concerns about land subsidence.
Shomaker (1997) using the work of Haneberg (1996) indicates that significant
rates of subsidence would begin at a drawdown of 80 to 120 m. Haneberg
(1997) states that groundwater levels in the city have dropped 50 m since
the late 1960's. Using the current growth trend in water abstraction, the
U.S.G.S. (1995), estimate that additional drawdown in parts of the city
could reach 55 m by 2020. The primary concern is that land subsidence may
cause similar damage to the city infrastructure as it has in Houston, Phoenix,
the San Joaquin Valley, and El Paso (Haneberg, 1997). Concerns have also
been raised about the quality of the groundwater supply (U.S.G.S., 1995).
Turin et al. (1997) report that many of the highly productive wells along
the river have been removed from service due to contamination from surrounding
industry and naturally occurring arsenic in excess of the 50 ppb Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) standard. The EPA is considering changing the arsenic
standards to a level between 2 and 20 ppb. Turin et al. (1997) report that
it would cost the City of Albuquerque approximately $300 to $370 million
to meet of standard of 5 ppb. Contamination of the groundwater supply is
also occurring through the percolation of highly saline irrigation waters.
Although no salinity data is presented for the Albuquerque area, infiltration
of irrigation water has produced a minor saline zone (1000-3000 milligrams
per litre of dissolved solids) between 100 to 150 feet thick in the Southern
part of the aquifer system. The underlying freshwater zone extend to depths
of 1000 to 1500 ft with a salinity of 300 to 500 feet thick. Another saline
zone, with a salinity that exceeds 3000 milligrams per litre, is found
in the unconfined portions of the aquifer. Dissolved solids in this zone
are derived from the dissolution of calcite, gypsum, and halite in the
basin fill and underlying bedrock. The salinity of this deeper groundwater
source presents an economic barrier for its extraction.
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Groundwater Problems:
Although concerns over both the quantity and quality of the groundwater
source in the Albuquerque area have been raised, action has only been taken
with respect to the availability of the supply (Selby, pers comm). Since
salinity limits extraction to the unconfined aquifer, the city can face
serious economic and legal repercussions (through the Doctrine of Prior
Appropriation) as a result of continued pumping of the limited resource.
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When the USGS (1993) raised concerns over the extent of the Albuquerque
aquifer, there was a resulting change in management focus towards advocating
water conservation (City of Albuquerque, 1996). The City of Albuquerque's
Water Conservation Long-Term Strategy was adopted by the City Council in
March, 1995. The management strategy partly involves an increase in water-use
rates. In the summer, customer's that exceed 200% of their winter average
are charged an additional surcharge of 21 cents/ft3. The average
rate was also increased by 8.8 cents/ft3 to 65.8 cents per unit,
with an additional 2.44 cent/ft3 surcharges. In conjunction
with the increase in water rates, the city of Albuquerque has also implemented
conservation programs for residential users. The program consists of voluntary
and mandatory regulations:
Restriction on summer watering between 10:00 and 5:00
Watering on even and odd days only
Use of high water use plants in new landscaping is limited to 20%
No planting high use plants on hills with slopes of 1:4
No high-water use plants in areas less than 10 ft in any dimension.
The city also requires that all municipal departments to develop and implement
water reduction plans. As summarized by the City of Albuquerque (1997)
these water management practices include:
The metering of older parks for best irrigation management
The use of low-watering landscapes in new parks and golfcourses
The recycling of treated wastewater for use in irrigation systems
The conversion of toilets in all public buildings to low flush systems
A reduction in vehicle washing by the Transit and Fire Departments
The goal of this program is to reduce the 0.95m3 daily water use,
(gpcd) between 1987 and 1993, by 30% to 0.66 m3 by 2004. Estimated
savings through this program, derived through regression model analysis
that takes weather and growth into account, is 70 million m3.
In conjunction with this conservation program, the city has continued with
its monitoring program in order to evaluate future water needs and the
effects within the basin (City of Albuquerque, 1996).
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References and Other Author(s):
City of Albuquerque. (1996) Albuquerque's aquifer and how we
meet the challenge.
City of Albuquerque Water Conservation Office. URL:
Earp, D., Postlethwait, J., and Witherspoon, J. (1998) Albuquerque's
environmental story. URL:
Haneberg, W.C. (1997) Bureau studies ground water pumping land
subsidence. New
Mexico Tech. Homepage. URL:
New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute (1993) Water Rates
and Residential Conservation. URL:
Shomaker, J.W. (1997) Hydraulic conductivity across bedding planes:
A critical control on conjunctive-use. In Groundwater in the Urban Environment:
Problems, Processes, and Management. Eds. Chilton, J., Hiscock,
K., Younger, P., Morris, B., Puri, S., Kirkpatrick, S.W., Nash, H., Armstrong,
W., Aldous, P., Water, T., Tellman, J., Kimblin, R., and Hennings, S.
A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
Smith, Z.A. (1989) Groundwater in the west. Academic
Press, Inc, Toronto.
Turin, H.J., Gaume, A.N., Bitner, M.J., Hansen, H.S., and Titus, F.B.
(1997) Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA : A sunbelt city rapidly outgrowing
its aquifer. In Groundwater in the Urban Environment: Problems, Processes,
and Management. Eds. Chilton, J., Hiscock, K., Younger, P.,
Morris, B., Puri, S., Kirkpatrick, S.W., Nash, H., Armstrong, W., Aldous,
P., Water, T., Tellman, J., Kimblin, R., and Hennings, S. A.A. Balkema,
United States Geologic Survey. (1995) Groundwater Atlas
of the United States: Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah. URL:
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Dr. William C. Haneberg
New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources
2808 Central Avenue SE, Albuquerque NM 87106
(505) 262-2774
Andrew Selby
City of Albuquerque, Public Works Department
P.O. Box 1293, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87103
(505) 768-3650
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