Town/City: |
Dortmund |
State/Province: |
North-Rhine-Westfalia |
Country: |
Germany |
Latitude/Longitude: |
52 N / 07 E |
Information supplied byDr. Eckehard Paul Loehnert(c/o)
Population is 0.64 million, major town in the Ruhr coal district, also famous for its breweries; highly industrialized region.
Humid condition with an annual precipitation of approx. 800 mm.
Aquiferous Upper Cretaceous calcareous rocks overlying Carboniferous coal bearing strata. Piezometric heads lowered by coal mining for centuries.
Public supply (approx. 80 million cbm/year) piped from the valley of the River Ruhr.
Areal contamination is established at shallow depth. Consequently, the drinking water supply depends on artificial recharge in the Ruhr valley, some 10 - 15 km to the SE. The system includes slow sand filtration and has been employed successfully since the end of the 19th century.
River Ruhr water used for artificial recharge requires continuous thorough quality control. Artificial recharge techniques are being permanently improved.
Frank, W.H. (1970): Fundamental variations in the water Quality with percolation in infiltration basins: Artificial groundwater recharge. Proc. Conf. Univ. Reading, 169 - 197. Schoettler, U. (1996): Artificial recharge of groundwater in Germany - State of the art in research and practice. Nordic. Hydrol. Progr. NHP, Art. rech. of Groundw., 38, 41 - 49.
Dr. Uwe Schoettle, Institut fuer Wasserforschung GmbH, Zum Kellerbach
46, D-58239 Schwerte, Germany
Prof. W.G. Coldewey, DMT-Institut fuer Wasser- und Bodenschutz/Baugrundinstitut,
Franz-Fischer Weg 61, Germany