
maple ref

mumath ref

Necessarily so, since sophisticated algorithms are usually much more complicated and occupy a larger amount of memory.

It may be required for PC versions of REDTEN, but has not yet been developed.

Implemented by summer students Jeff Rosenthal and Steve Allen.

In some systems lower may not be declared as a switch, on and off will still set the switch, but will also give an error message.

Only the lisp name nil cannot be mapped by this package, the user must ensure that this is entered in the correct case.

Apparently, symbolic is the preferred command.

The REDUCE prompt consists of a sequence number followed by a colon. In all examples in this document the prompt is represented as #:.

Formally, this is an indexed object reference, but the term is used both in this case and for the data structure itself.

i.e. something that is no longer an indexed object reference.

In previous versions the mktnsr() function was used. This still exists for backward compatibility.

The use of these operators is new in v4.00.

If this happens, the function mclear() should be called to clear the parser.

See 7.4 for information about entering nil in two-case systems.

REDTEN does not make use of the cyclic symmetry that actually reduces the number of independent components of the Riemann tensor to 20.

Note that if the Lie derivative of a generic object is being taken, the actual target name, not the generic name, is used.

This function may not be available in future versions of REDTEN

It will be noticed that these expressions do not involve , this is because REDTEN introduces a let rule of the form forall x let   cos(x)^2 = 1 - sin(x)^2. This and other let rules are in the source file lets.

Its name is derived from MAP a Function onto an Indexed object. It is about as pnemonic as the names of certain similar lisp functions.

This is the one REDUCE name that is not mapped in case when the base system is upper case. Therefore, the user may have to use I as the pure imaginary number.

In the sense that the simplifier may enter a loop if both exist simultaneously, for example, from the Kerr metric let r^2=sin(th)^2*a^2-a^2+rho2; and later let rho2=r^2+a^2*cos(th)^2 cannot both be in the system together.

Unfortunately, the system cannot know about user defined operators or assignments made prior to loading REDTEN, since the required system modification have not been made. let rules will be saved, however, and operators and assignments can be accounted for by using addtoenv().

The pager does not interact with other forms of output, such as that produced by loading new function definitions etc.

Some of these are under development

The symbol rdr is historical; it might once have been intended to be a short form of ``reader'' in the original muTENSOR version.

Where to get REDUCE

John Harper
Wed Nov 16 13:34:23 EST 1994