Animation 1: (From Gait, Lowman and Gable JGR 2008)
Animation 2: (From Gait, Lowman and Gable JGR 2008)
Animation 3: (From Gait, Lowman and Gable JGR 2008)
Animation 4: (From Gait, Lowman and Gable JGR 2008)
Animation 5: (From Gait, Lowman and Gable JGR 2008)
Animation 6: (From Gait, Lowman and Gable JGR 2008)
Julian Lowman, Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto at Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON, Canada, M1C 1A4
tel: (+1) 416 208 4880; fax: (+1) 416 287 7279; e-mail:
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