Julian Lowman

- Mantle Dynamics

Animations of the models featured in "Gait, Lowman and Gable", JGR, 2008

Temperature field in a calculation with a factor of 30 increase in 
viscosity at 670km, no plate evolution

Animation 1: (From Gait, Lowman and Gable JGR 2008)

Temperature field in a calculation with a factor of 30 increase in  
viscosity at 670km, with plate evolution

Animation 2: (From Gait, Lowman and Gable JGR 2008)

Temperature field in a calculation with a factor of 90 increase in viscosity, 
at 670km, no plate evolution

Animation 3: (From Gait, Lowman and Gable JGR 2008)

Temperature field in a calculation with a factor of 90 increase in viscosity,
at 670km, with plate evolution

Animation 4: (From Gait, Lowman and Gable JGR 2008)

Temperature field in a calculation with a factor of 300 increase in viscosity,
at 670km, no plate evolution

Animation 5: (From Gait, Lowman and Gable JGR 2008)

Temperature field in a calculation with a factor of 300 increase in viscosity,
at 670km, with plate evolution

Animation 6: (From Gait, Lowman and Gable JGR 2008)

Contact details

Julian Lowman, Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto at Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON, Canada, M1C 1A4

tel: (+1) 416 208 4880; fax: (+1) 416 287 7279; e-mail: lowman@utsc.utoronto.ca

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