Pawel Artymowicz

As a theoretical physicist/astrophysicist, I enjoy theory   but often resort to numerics like or .

All those are fun! I also think about my colleagues observations, for instance those by HST of
     the beautiful disk of Beta Pictoris.

I study the birth and evolution of binary stars and planetary systems, dynamics of astrophysical disks, physics of circumstellar dust, with occasional diversions to binary black holes, AGNs and aerodynamics of airplanes. I was leading a group studying theory of planetary systems in Stockholm. I have co-edited the journal Planetary and Space Science. An International Evaluation of Swedish Astronomy and Astrophysics (Oct. 2000)  summarized the areas of my research program and evaluated it. I was the most cited astronomer in Stockholm (1994-2004).

Since 2005 I am a tenured full professor of Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Toronto. I split my time between the Dept of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the St. George (downtown) campus, and Department of Physical and Env. Sciences of UTSC (U of T at Scarborough), where in 2016 I have designed and built supercomputers based on CPU, GPU and IXP (Intel Xeon Phi) processors.

I use my knowledge of aviation, aerodynamics and physics to study the 2010 airplane catastrophe in Smolensk, Russia, in which 96 persons including the Polish president perished. As an independent investigator, I have aided governmental and parliamentary committees in Poland to explain the details of the crash to the public.

I mountainbike, fly (FAA & TC PPL) and dive (PADI Advanced Open Water Diver).

Click on the picture for:

    Google Scholar page with my 7500 citations and Hirsch index h=35  
    Two's Company: From Binary Stars to Binary Supermassive Black Holes (astronomy podcast Nov. 2015 at Star Spot)  
    The latest in research: Discovery of collimated 3D gas flow and 4 wintip vortices shed by planets embedded in disks (Oct 2015)  
    A couple of old links to extrasolar planets
    Astrophysics of Planetary Systems at UTSC
  My long CV & bibliography (2007 & 2011, PDF) ,
  Undergraduate course ASTB23 at UTSC, Astrophysics of stars, galaxies and the Universe (2023)
  Undergraduate course ASTC25 at UTSC, Astrophysics of Planetary Systems (2023-2025)
  Undergraduate course PHYD38 at UTSC, Nonlinear Physics and Chaos (2023-2025)
  Undergraduate course ASTB03 at UTSC, Great Moments in Astronomy (2022)
  Undergraduate course PHYD57 at UTSC, Advanced Computational Methods in Physics (2022)
  Undergraduate course PHYB54 at UTSC, Mechanics: Oscillations to Chaos (2021)
  Undergraduate course PSCB57 at UTSC, Introduction to Scientific Computing (2019)
  Graduate course AST 1440 at UofT (DAA),  Radiation Processes and Gas Dynamics (2016)
 Graduate course AST 3020 at UofT (DAA), Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems (2014)
     Astro-citations & papers by P. Artymowicz, ADS Harvard Database (current)
    Astro-GPU Research team at UTSC, Summer 2010
    UTSC GPU seminar: the future of high performance computing in the 2010s, PDF (January 2010)  
    Turbulence in accretion disks: .PPTX of ISIMA talk at U of California, Santa Cruz (July 2010)  
    UofA.ppt [11MB] is a seminar at U of Alberta, Edmonton, on 9 Dec 2005, on Understanding the extrasolar planetary systems.  
    AST1501 lecture 1 Nov 2005: Planets, Disks, Dust and the Many Projects You Might Be Interested In;  
    PSCD01 course lecture 11 Oct 2005: Extrasolar Planets ;  
  Dynamics and Structure in Resolved Dusty Disks:  a streaming audio+video and Powerpoint presentation at STScI's Nearby Resolved Debris Disks 2005 workshop (please scroll to my presentation)    
   Migration Type III:  a talk at KITP/UCSB 2004 conference on Planet Formation (abstract, streaming audio & video)    
  Extrasolar planets:  a review  (HTML) 
 Hydra  (a parallel mini-supercomputer built in 1999 w/8 nodes) 
  Antares  (a parallel mini-supercomputer; 2002: 20 nodes, 2005: 38 nodes) 
  ZMachine & cudaki   (massively parallel supercomputers based on GPUs) 
Notes on Beta Pictoris 
Review paper about planetary systems  
Annual Review paper about Beta Pictoris 
Notes on PPM simulations of planet-disk interaction
  Note on Accretion onto binary stars (work in progress)
  Note on planet migration in disks (PPM simulation movies)
  Note on Technical comparison of 2 Riemann-solver based hydrocodes
  Complex Universe: an intriguing Astro-Mathematical puzzle with largely unexplored implications
  The fractal I have discovered while solving the Astro-Mathematical puzzle
     7-11: A math puzzle 
  Many proofs that all odd integers are prime numbers
  OMNI TV interview about fractals (po polsku) :  (67 MB .AVI)  
  Rozmowa z red. J. Kuzniarem w programie "Wstajesz i wiesz" TVN24 (5 min.) 24.01.2012 (tylko wideo)  
   Felieton w gazecie Studio Opinii i wstepne info o mnie.  
   Wywiad w Gazecie Wyborczej 7.02.2012  
     Fakty i Mity 7.09.2012 (stony 6 i 7)  
   Blog pt. Fizyka Smolenska  
    Wywiad w (video, 26 min.)
    Wywiady telewizyjne: TVN24, TVP1, TVP Info, Polsat, Polsat News, Superstacja i in.
    referat I na konferencji Mechanics in Aviation XVI 2014
    referat II na konferencji Mechanics in Aviation XVI 2014
    videoblogs on the site of Polish gov. body explaining the Smolensk crash to the public (zespol Laska, arch. page)
    2014 trip in Vans RV6A C-GDOC
PAP: Artymowicz i Lasek - wybuch jakiejkolwiek bomby w Tu-154 - wykluczony. (zdj.)
TVN Fakty po Faktach 10.04.17: Bomby to scenariusz 'fantasy' (zdj.)
Rzeczpospolita 14.04.17: Wybuch-bomby-w-Tu-154-Wykluczony (zdj.)
Rzeczpospolita: Katastrofa smolenska. Dr hab. Pawel Artymowicz: Zamachu i bomby w tupolewie nie bylo (zdj.)
Wiadomoco 11.04.17: Nie ma zadnych dowodow na wybuch (zdj.)
Rzeczposp. 14.04.17: Zamachu ani bomby w tupolewie nie bylo
Rzeczposp. 14.04.17: Podkomisja? Dorabiajacy emeryci. (zdj.)
Wideo: Trajektoria i drzewa w Smolensku Zderzenia brzoza-skrzydlo; Beczka smolenska ; Korelacja CVR, mapy i trajektorii
    2008-2019 Transcontinental flights of Vans RV6A C-GDOC
    Wiki page of Pawel Artymowicz (in Polish)

Pawel Artymowicz / pawel(at)
University of Toronto at Scarborough, Physical Sci. 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4, Canada
tel: (+1)416-287-7244(UTSC), 416-978-4833(St. George, DAA),  fax:(+1)416-287-7279
Updated: Sep 2020
background picture: Diablo mountain range near Silicon Valley, California, from my RV6A