After Get Started

After you have attended Get Started, consider using the following resources:



Course Selection Blitz

Meet one-on-one with a Get Started First Year Peer to review your timetable.

Course Selection Blitz - Transfer Session

A Drop-In Session to receive one-on-one support specialized for Transfer Students. 

Online Chats

Chat with an Academic Advising staff member about your courses.

Prep Yourself Workshops

Get ahead in September by attending a special suite of academic and career workshops held in the summer!

Course Selection Modules

Continue to review the Course Selection Modules to improve your understanding of course selection and academic regulations.

Program Options

View all of the available programs currently offered at U of T Scarborough.


Register to attend the many orientations available in late August and early September.

How to Succeed at University (and Get a Great Job)

'A practical, easy-to-read guide for success at University and beyond'

Supports to Get Ahead for September

Academic & Career Advising Syllabus

This tool serves as an outline of the steps you should be taking for academic and career success at U of T Scarborough and beyond!

Choosing Your Program Guide and Testimonies

Familiarize yourself with the Choosing Your Program Guide and Testimonies and attend Choose Your Program month events in March.

Study Skills Resources

Here are further services available to help with your time management, reading, note-taking, test-taking and more.