Captivate: U of T Scarborough’s Digital Storytelling Competition

a banner saying captivate, UTSC's 2nd annual digital storytelling competition

Professor Sandford Borins, the founding Chair of the Department of Management at U of T Scarborough, taught the Narrative and Management course for over 25 years. To mark his retirement in 2020, Professor Borins wanted to celebrate and cultivate digital storytelling skills. This desire evolved into Captivate, a multimedia short digital storytelling competition open to all U of T Scarborough students. In recognition of Professor Borins’ contributions to the campus, donors came together to establish an endowed fund that will support student prizes and other costs associated with Captivate in perpetuity.

It’s helpful for everyone to have a compelling narrative about themselves.
- Professor Sandford Borins

Captivate offers students the opportunity to craft a short digital story in any format, sharing their personal narratives and learning essential storytelling skills. In Professor Borins’ words, “It’s helpful for everyone to have a compelling narrative about themselves, whether it’s for a job interview or introducing yourself at a party. Students have more access to tools to express themselves through multi-media than ever before.  My hope is to arm them with the skills to use this technology  to tell great stories.”

Watch the winning entries from Captivate 2022 below!

1/340,000 by Yixuan Zhang
First place winner of the 1st Annual Captivate competition and recipient of the Sandford Borins Award in Digital Communications, Yixuan Zhang, is a second year student studying at the University of Toronto Scarborough's Department of Management.
Am i becoming who I want to be? by Sakura Lee
Second place winner of the 1st Annual Captivate competition and recipient of the Sandford Borins Award in Digital Communications, Sakura Lee is a first year student studying at the University of Toronto Scarborough's Department of Arts, Culture & Media.
Remember To Live Before Checkmate Sifame Agbemelo Tsom
Third place winner of the 1st Annual Captivate competition and recipient of the Sandford Borins Award in Digital Communications, Elvis Agbamelo is a fourth year student studying at the University of Toronto Scarborough's Department of Management.