Navigating New Horizons in Academia and Cybersecurity

Kartik's headshot

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Graduating year: 2021

Meet Kartik Khatri (BA 2021), a true trailblazer who effortlessly combines academia, entrepreneurship, and adventure. Graduating with an impressive Triple Major in Mathematics, Statistics, and Economics from the University of Toronto, Kartik's academic achievements set the foundation for his outstanding career. As a licensed private pilot, he finds both solace and inspiration in the skies, embodying his relentless pursuit of new horizons.

Now serving as the Executive Assistant at F8th Inc., a series A cybersecurity company specializing in behavioural biometrics, Kartik plays a crucial role in supporting the company’s leadership and operations. His dedication and unique perspective contribute significantly to the company’s success. His journey is a blend of ambition, intellect, and adventure, encouraging others to fearlessly chase their passions.