Week 4: July 22-26: Robotics Camp ($380.00)

Program Description


Welcome to the Camp UTSC 5-Day Robotics Camp, where aspiring engineers dive into the world of robotics using Ozobot robots. Our structured program is designed to provide campers with a comprehensive exploration of robotics concepts through hands-on activities and engaging challenges.

Throughout the week, participants will learn the basics of robotics programming using Ozobot Blockly and color codes. Each day focuses on different aspects of robotics, from understanding the principles of coding to applying innovative solutions to fun challenges.

Campers will have the opportunity to experiment, problem-solve, and demonstrate their creativity as they navigate through various tasks. Our camp fosters a collaborative and supportive environment where campers can learn from each other and grow together.

In the afternoons, campers will enjoy a diverse "mini university experience," rotating between sessions in science, computers, and arts and crafts. This enriching afternoon programming ensures a well-rounded education, allowing campers to explore various STEM and creative disciplines beyond robotics.

*Please note that our camp takes place primarily indoors within the university facilities, with limited outdoor exposure. This is due to the nature of our program, which requires a focused and controlled environment for optimal learning. 

*This day plan is a sample and topics could change due to scheduling conflicts.


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Week 4 Robotics Camp_Weekly Schedule