Week 6: August 6-9: Multi-sport Camp ($330.00)

Program Description


Welcome to the Camp UTSC 4-Day Multi-Sport Camp at the Pan Am Centre, where sports enthusiasts participate in a dynamic week of sports exploration and skill-building. Our structured program offers a diverse lineup of sports activities, ensuring a well-rounded and engaging experience for all participants.

Throughout the week, campers will rotate through various sports, including basketball, floor hockey, badminton, and dodgeball. Each day focuses on a different sport, allowing campers to learn the fundamentals, practice techniques, and participate in friendly competitions.

In the afternoons, campers will enjoy a diverse "mini university experience," rotating between sessions in science, computers, and arts and crafts. This enriching afternoon programming ensures a well-rounded education, allowing campers to explore various STEAM activities beyond sports.


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Week 6 Multi-sport Camp_Weekly Schedule