Week 8: August 19-23: Exploring Outer Space Camp ($295.00)

Program Description


Welcome to the Camp UTSC 5-Day Exploring Outer Space Camp, where young astronomers take a journey through the cosmos. Over the week, campers will explore a variety of space-related topics, including the wonders of our solar system, life in space, distant galaxies, space exploration, and the thrilling journey of rockets into space.

In the afternoons, campers will participate in a diverse "mini university experience," rotating between sessions in science, computers, and arts and crafts. This enriching afternoon programming ensures a comprehensive exploration of STEM and creative disciplines beyond outer space studies. Campers will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities, experiments, and projects that deepen their understanding of the universe while fostering creativity and critical thinking skills.

*Please note that our camp takes place primarily indoors within the university facilities, with limited outdoor exposure. This is due to the nature of our program, which requires a focused and controlled environment for optimal learning. 


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Week 8 Exploring Outer Space_Weekly Schedule