Foundation & Legacy May 2024

Leah Takata, D.R. Campbell Merit Award Recipient (2001-02)

The Students' Council of the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) has established the prestigious D.R. Campbell Merit Award to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions towards improving campus life. This award is granted to those who showcase exceptional leadership skills and have dedicated their time and effort to enhance the academic and social experience of the UTSC community. 

Leah Takata, the Coordinator of the Cultural Affairs Office at UTSC, embodied these qualities through her commitment to bringing diverse cultural events to the university community. Despite facing budget constraints, she successfully organized events ranging from Afro-Caribbean drumming to Korean and Arabic music performances. Takata's efforts have led to an increase in attendance and positive feedback from students. Her unwavering commitment to representing the community through her programming aligns perfectly with the values of the D.R. Campbell Merit Award.

Visit the Department of Arts, Culture, and Media (ACM) for current initiatives. 

 Leah Takata News Article
 Leah Takata


Explore past recipients of the D.R. Campbell Merit Award