Student Successes May 2024

From Co-op Placement to Upcycling Startup

In 2018, International Development Studies (IDS) Co-op student Lynne Corvaglia embarked on a 12-month co-op placement at the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) located in the Central Valley of Cost Rica. 3 years after the experience, she expanded her work and created social enterprise, Wearsos that upcycles the leather of old airline seats to create leather bags. 

Through The Hub, an entrepreneurial incubator at U of T Scarborough, former director Gray Graffam encouraged them to enter the incubator’s annual startup competition. Wearsos later won first place and received $5,000 in funding. 

Lynne Corvaglia, IDS Co-op Alumni
Wearsos at CATIE

“Our strategy is to produce and activate local economies in Costa Rica.”

Learn More About Lynne's Story