Graduate Alumni

Dr. Olivia Podolak Lewandowska
PhD 2019
Doctoral Dissertation: Understanding the Processing of Tonal Modulations During Musical Listening Using Behavioural and Neural Techniques.

Olivia is a lecturer in statistics with the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto Scarborough.

Katherine Thompson
MA 2015
Master’s Thesis: Examining the Influence of Music Training on Cognitive and Perceptual Transference: A Quantitative Meta-Analysis

Katherine is currently working as a researcher on various projects with the Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS) initiative at the University of Prince Edward Island.

Dr. Dominique Vuvan
PhD 2012
Doctoral Dissertation: The Statistical Learning of Musical Expectancy

Dominique completed a post-doc at the International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research, Montreal, QB, Canada. She has just begun her position as an assistant professor at Skidmore College in August 2016.

Dr. Jon Prince
PhD 2009
Doctoral Dissertation: The Integration of Pitch and Time in Music Perception

Jon is a lecturer in Psychology at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia.

Dr. Nicholas Smith
PhD 2004
Nicholas is the director of the Perceptual Developmental Laboratory at Boys Town National Research Hospital.

Past Undergraduate Students

Jorge Aguilar

Antonette Pillainayagam

Fan Yang

Omi Smolkin

Colin Boothby

Bathari Putri

Sophie Zhou

Idila Yogeswaran

Joyce Ho

Ajeera Ranjith

Aghilan Aiyadurai

Jennifer Shao

Brendan Garcia

Long Feng Huang

Samuel Wang

Yuan Bie

Zahra Anwar

Zaib Qureshi

Hediyeh Mahmoudian

Spencer Jones

Aneesah Bari
Jenny Ho
Rebecca Moranis