Short Answer & Essay Tests

  1. Read and reread all questions.


  2. Analyze the question – is it one question? Two? Three? Highlight or circle each separate question.


  3. Look at the number of marks for the question – the more marks, the more information you need to give.  


  4. Include examples from the textbook or lecture & write in your own words. You may want to do a quick outline before you write your answer.


  5. Define key terms.

  • Category (e.g. a type of hot drink) 

  • How it’s unique within the category (e.g. made from ground up coffee beans) 

  • Extra information, examples, etc. (e.g. coffee is popular in North America and is sold at Tim Horton’s) 


  1. If you can’t recall… 

  • the researcher’s name: say “A study of inmates in New York found…” 

  • the year: say it in general terms (e.g. “During the late 1970s…”)


Example: What are the three types of false confessions and how do they differ? 

  • Notice “AND” – this is a good indication that there is more than one thing that is being asked. 

  • Answer one thing at a time: 1) What are the three types of false confessions? List three types of false confessions. AND 2) How do they differ? Describe how the three types differ.