Delegation from the Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg Nation to visit United Kingdom and Isle of Man

First delegation from this Indigenous Nation to visit the British Isles since 1860

July 1 st - 8th, 2023 - The first delegation in over 160 years from the Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg Nation (Mississauga Nation) will be visiting the United Kingdom and Isle of Man on a nation-to-nation diplomatic mission to renew relationship and explore cultural, educational and business opportunities for their First Nation with their Treaty partner and the Manx Nation. This diplomatic mission reanimates the Silver Covenant Chain of Friendship first established between the Mississauga Nation and King George III through the Treaty of Niagara in 1764.

The delegation will be at St. James's Palace to visit its Chapel Royal, the central chapel in a unique family that includes The King's Anishinabek Sacred Place at Massey College in Toronto, Canada . The King's Anishinabek Sacred Place was created with the Mississaugas of the Credit as a chapel royal by Queen Elizabeth II in 2017, joining two other such chapels in Canada who are also associated with Indigenous Nations.

Meetings will also be held with Goodenough College, the Corporation of the City of London, the House of Lords and the National Liberal Club (an important partner for this visit).

The delegation will also be attending the Garden Party being held at Holyroodhouse Palace on July 4th.

A key part of this mission will be spent on the Isle of Man where the delegation will be guests of the President of Tynwald at the annual Tynwald Day celebrations. Their visit will also include a tour of the legislative building, as well as meetings with the President of Tynwald and Chief Minister to discuss the island nation's unique relationship with the Crown, including how sovereignty is exercised by the Government of the Isle of Man.

Left to Right: Ralph Goodale (High Commissioner for Canada to the United Kingdom), Steve Tom’s (Elected Councillor for O’Shkiigmong/Curve Lake First Nation), Chad Cowie (Assistant Professor/from Pamitaashkodeyong/Hiawatha First Nation), Veronica Low (on behalf of the Steven Low Foundation)


Veronica Low, Chad Cowie, Gimaa (Chief) Stacey Laforme, Ralph Goodale, Gimaa (Chief) Bob Chiblow, Steve Tom’s, Nathan Tidridge

Members of the delegation:

Giima Stacey Laforme (Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation) Giima Robert Chiblow (Mississauga First Nation)

Councillor Steven Toms (Curve Lake First Nation) Professor Chadwick Cowie (Hiawatha First Nation)

Veronica Low (Patron, non-Indigenous) Nathan Tidridge (non-Indigenous)



Throughout the 19th century, delegations from the Mississauga Nation (a nation made up of six different communities in what is now Southern Ontario) regularly visited the British Isles, which included  visits with the Sovereign.

The last of these delegations was by Nahneebahwequa (Catherine Sutton) who presented a petition to Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace in 1860. Following this visit, the colonial government of Canada worked to prevent any further delegations from traveling to the United Kingdom.

Since 1860, there have been no delegations from the Mississauga Nation to the United Kingdom. Canada's Confederation in 1867 largely ended the practice of Indigenous Nations sending delegations to the British Isles. The Indian Act was passed by the Government of Canada in 1876, further restricting the rights of people meant to be kin.

Other information:

The Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg Nation (Mississauga Nation) consists of six communities: Mississaugas of the New Credit, Mississaugas of Alderville, Mississaugas of Scugog Island, Mississauga First Nation, Curve Lake First Nation, and Hiawatha First Nation.


"This visit is a reminder of the relationship between the Crown and the Michi Saagiig - A visit between nations as it was in the past. A visit that hasn't occurred since 1860. We are hopeful that this visit will renew our relations and create positive opportunities in the future.

It is also a reminder of our obligations to our mother the earth Instead of thinking of climate change as a problem to be solved think instead of Mother Earth as a soul to be saved. If we can do that, we can change everything."

Giima R. Stacey Laforme, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation

"We hope this visit will be a catalyst to further understanding of our histories and enhance our nation building initiatives."

Giima Bob Chiblow, Mississauga First Nation

"Hiawatha would like to wish the Michisaagiig delegation safe travels and great discussions in their meetings.

It is a pivotal time, and critical for this generation of the Crown's Representatives to learn about and honour and respect our original relationship.

We also believe it is vital to record this moment in history and we are grateful Professor Chad Cowie could attend as the Mississauga Nation Researcher to do this very important work for us."

Giima Laurie Carr, Hiawatha First Nation


The Steven Low Foundation is honoured to fund the 2023 Mississauga Delegation to the United Kingdom and Isle of Man.

Delegation with King Charles

Photo of the replica of the treaty of Niagara wampum belt- Left to Right: Chad Cowie (Assistant Professor/from Pamitaashkodeyong/Hiawatha First Nation), Steve Tom’s (Elected Councillor for O’Shkiigmong/Curve Lake First Nation)