Comparative Politics

Comparative Politics courses cover problems of political change and development in areas such as Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Political participation and mobilization, transitions to democracy, and ethnic and religious conflict are some of the themes dealt with in comparative politics courses.

We have five excellent faculty members who teach within this area of focus:

Professor Lucan Ahmad Way

Professor Paul Kingston

Associate Professor Diana Fu

Associate Professor Renan Levine

Assistant Professor Filiz Kahraman

Assistant Professor Titilayo Soremi

Comparative Politics POLB90H3  Comparative Development in International Perspective
POLB91H3  Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLC16H3  Chinese Politics
POLC21H3* Voting and Elections
POLC22H3  Ethnic Conflict and Democratization in Europe after the Cold War
POLC34H3  The Politics of Crime
POLC39H3  Comparative Law and Politics
POLC42H3  Topics in Comparative Politics
POLC43H3 Prejudice and Racism
POLC58H3* The Politics of National Identity and Diversity
PPGC66H3* Public Policy in Canada​​​​​​​
POLC65H3* Political Strategy
POLC69H3* Political Economy: International and Comparative Perspectives
POLC83H3* Applications of American Foreign Policy
POLC90H3  Development Studies: Political and Historical Perspectives
POLC91H3  Latin America: Dictatorship and Democracy
POLC92H3  U.S. Government and Politics
POLC93H3* Public Policies in the United States
POLC94H3  Globalization, Gender and Development​​​​​​​
POLC96H3  State Formation and Authoritarianism in the Middle East
POLC97H3  Protest Politics in the Middle East
POLD44H3  Comparative Law and Social Change
POLD51H3* Topics in Canadian and Comparative Politics
PPGD64H3* Comparative Public Policy​​​​​​​
POLD67H3* The Limits of Rationality
POLD90H3* Public Policy and Human Development in the Global South
POLD91H3  Protests and Social Movements in Comparative Perspective
POLD92H3  Survival and Demise of Dictatorships
POLD94H3  Selected Topics on Developing Areas


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