Professor of Ecology & Evolution and Physiology
- Office: (416) 287-7419
- Lab: (416) 287-7442
- Fax: (416) 287-7676
- Email: boonstra@utsc.utoronto.ca
- Website: http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/~boonstra/
Professor of Ecology & Evolution and Physiology
Research: The cause of population cycles in voles
Email: phoebe.d.edwards@gmail.com
Research: Ecological interactions in populations and behavior.
Research: The snowshoe hare 10-year cycle and the impact of predator stress on epigenetic changes in offspring.
Email: sophialavergne@gmail.comhttp://sophialav.weebly.com
Research: Population Regulation in Mammals
Email: krebs@zoology.ubc.ca
We are collaborating on the evolution of the stress axis in mammals and on the measurement of stress in vertebrates
Email: jardehanty@bell.net
Research: How ecological variation affects phenotypic plasticity, evolution and population dynamics
Email: stan.boutin@ualberta.ca
Research: the role of predation risk on sublethal effects in the population demography in snowshoe hares.
Email: dennismurray@trentu.ca
Senior Wildlife Biologist, Yukon Department of Environment;
Adjunct Professor, University of Alberta;
Affiliate Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks
We are collaborating on the ecology of stress in northern bats; Climate change impact on snowshoe hare.
Program Veterinarian, Yukon Department of Environment
on the ecology of stress in northern bats;
We are collaborating on on the ecology of stress in northern bats. Other interest includes disease surveillance in northern wildlife.
Email: Jane.harms@gov.yk.ca