Journal Articles
- Knox, K., Pratt, J.*, & Cant, J.S.* (2024). Examining the role of action-driven attention in ensemble processing. The Journal of Vision, 24(6):5, 1–17. *Co-Senior Authors.
- Sama, M.A., Nestor, A.*, & Cant, J.S.* (2024). The neural dynamics of face ensemble and central face processing. The Journal of Neuroscience, 44(7):e1027232023. *Co-Senior Authors.
- Gillies, G., Fukuda, K.*, & Cant, J.S.* (2024). The role of visual working memory in capacity-limited cross-modal ensemble coding. Neuropsychologia, 192, 108745. *Co-Senior Authors.
- Gillies, G., Fukuda, K.*, & Cant, J.S.* (2024). Testing the flexibility of ensemble coding: limitations in cross-modal ensemble perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(1), 56-69. *Co-Senior Authors.
- Tharmaratnam, V., Patel, M., Lowe, M.X., & Cant, J.S. (2021). Shared cognitive mechanisms involved in the processing of scene texture and scene shape. Journal of Vision, 21(7):11, 1 - 19.
- Fan, A.W.Y., Guo, L., Frost, A., Whitwell, R.L., Niemeier, M., & Cant, J.S. (2021). Grasping of real-world objects is not biased by ensemble perception. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:597691.
- Williams, R.S., Pratt, J., Ferber, S., & Cant, J.S. (2021). Tuning the ensemble: Incidental skewing of the perceptual average through memory-driven selection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47, 648 - 661.
- Sama, M.A., Srikanthan, D., Nestor, A.*, & Cant, J.S.* (2021). Global and local interference effects in ensemble encoding are best explained by interactions between summary representations of the mean and range. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83, 1106 - 1128. *Co-Senior Authors.
- Wen, X., Xie, J., Cant, J.S., Xiang, Y., Fang, X., Lin, J., Huang, R., & Mo, L. (2020). The neural correlates of moral comparison. Neuropsychologia, 149, 107662.
- Harel, A., Mzozoyana, M.W., Al Zoubi, H., Nador, J.D., Noesen, B.T., Lowe, M.X., & Cant, J.S. (2020). Artificially-generated scenes demonstrate the importance of global scene properties for scene perception. Neuropsychologia, 141, 107434.
- Cant J.S., & Xu, Y. (2020). One bad apple spoils the whole bushel: the neural basis of outlier processing. NeuroImage, 211, 116629.
- Nemrodov, D.†, Ling, S.†, Nudnou, I., Roberts T., Cant J.S., Lee, A.C.H., & Nestor, A. (2020). A multivariate investigation of visual word, face and ensemble processing: perspectives from EEG-based decoding and feature selection. Psychophysiology, 57, e13511. †Equal contribution.
- Roberts T., Cant J.S.*, & Nestor, A.* (2019). Elucidating the Neural Representation and the Processing Dynamics of Face Ensembles. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(39), 7737 - 7747. *Co-Senior Authors.
- Sama, M.A., Nestor, A.*, & Cant, J.S.* (2019). Independence of viewpoint and identity in face ensemble processing. Journal of Vision, 19(5):2, 1-17. *Co-Senior Authors.
- Wen, X., Cant, J.S., Xiang, Y., Huang, R., & Mo, L. (2019). The neural correlates of intelligence comparison. Cerebral Cortex, 29, 253 - 264.
- Lowe, M.X., Stevenson, R.A., Barense, M.D., Cant, J.S., & Ferber, S. (2018). Relating the perception of visual ensemble statistics to individual levels of autistic traits. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 80, 1667 - 1674.
- Stevenson, R.A., Sun, S.Z., Hazlett, N., Cant, J.S., Barense, M.D., & Ferber, S. (2018). Seeing the forest and the trees: Default local processing in individuals with high autistic traits does not come at the expense of global attention. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48(4), 1382 - 1396.
- Sun, S.Z., Fidalgo, C., Barense, M.D., Cant, J.S., & Ferber, S. (2017). Erasing and blurring memories: The differential impact of interference on separate aspects of forgetting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146(11), 1606 - 1630.
- Lowe, M.X., Rajsic, J., Gallivan, J.P., Ferber, S., & Cant, J.S. (2017). Nerual representation of geometry and surface properties in object and scene perception.* NeuroImage, 157, 586 - 597. *Featured on the journal cover.
- Robin, J., Lowe, M.X., Pishdadian, S., Rivest, J., Cant, J.S., & Moscovitch, M. (2017). Selective scene perception deficits in a case of topgraphical disorientation. Cortex, 92, 70 - 80.
- Cant, J.S., & Xu, Y. (2017). The contribution of object shape and surface properties to object-ensemble representation in anterior-medial ventral visual cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 29(2), 398 - 412.
- Wen, X., Xiang, Y., Cant, J.S., Wang, T., Cupchik, G., Huang, R., & Mo, L. (2017). The neural correlates of internal and external comparisons: an fMRI study. Brain Structure and Function, 222, 563 - 575.
- Sun, S.Z., Cant, J.S., & Ferber, S. (2016). A global attentional scope setting prioritizes faces for conscious detection. Journal of Vision, 16(6):9, 1-13.
- Wang, T., Cant, J.S., & Cupchik, G. (2016). The impact of depth of aesthetic processing and visual feature transformations on recognition memory for artworks and constructed design patterns. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 34(2), 193 - 220.
- Lowe, M.X., Gallivan, J.P., Ferber, S., & Cant, J.S. (2016). Feature diagnosticity and task context shape activity in human scene-selective cortex.* NeuroImage, 125, 681-692. *Featured on the journal cover.
- Lowe, M.X., Stevenson, R.A., Wilson, K.E., Ouslis, N.E., Barense, M.D., Cant, J.S., & Ferber, S. (2016). Sensory processing patterns predict the integration of information held in visual working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42(2), 294 - 301.
- Lowe, M.X., Ferber, S., & Cant, J.S. (2015). Processing context: asymmetric interference of visual form and texture in object and scene interactions.* Vision Research, 117, 34-40. *Featured on the journal cover.
- Cant, J.S., Sun, S.Z, & Xu, Y. (2015). Distinct cognitive mechanisms involved in the processing of single objects and object ensembles. Journal of Vision, 15(4):12, 1-21.
- Cant, J.S., & Xu, Y. (2015). The Impact of density and ratio on object-ensemble representation in human anterior-medial ventral visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 25, 4226-4239.
- Sun, S.Z., Shen, J., Shaw, M., Cant, J.S., & Ferber, S. (2015). Automatic capture of attention by conceptually-generated working memory templates. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 77, 1841-1847.
- Wang, T., Mo, L., Mo, C., Tan, L.H., Cant, J.S., Zhong, L., & Cupchik, G. (2015). Is moral beauty different from facial beauty? Evidence from an fMRI study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10(6), 814-823.
- Wang, T., Mo, L., Vartanian, O., Cant, J.S., & Cupchik, G. (2015). An investigation of the neural substrates of mind wandering induced by viewing traditional Chinese landscape paintings. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8(1018), 1-10.
- Gallivan, J.P., Cant, J.S., Goodale, M.A., & Flanagan, J.R. (2014). Representation of object weight in human ventral visual cortex. Current Biology, 24, 1-8. Supplementary Material.
- See dispatch by Robert W. Kentridge:
- Kentridge, R.W. (2014). Object perception: Where do we see the weight?. Current Biology, 24(16), R740–R741.
- Cant, J.S., & Xu, Y. (2012). Object ensemble processing in human anterior-medial ventral visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(22), 7685-7700.
- Cant, J.S., & Goodale, M.A. (2011). Scratching beneath the surface: new insights into the functional properties of the lateral occipital area and parahippocampal place area. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(22), 8248-8258.
- Buckingham, G., Cant, J.S., & Goodale, M.A. (2009). Living in a material world: how visual cues to material properties affect the way that we lift objects and perceive their weight. Journal of Neurophysiology, 102, 3111-3118.
- Cant, J.S., & Goodale, M.A. (2009). Asymmetric interference between the perception of shape and the perception of surface properties. Journal of Vision, 9(5):13, 1-20.
- Cant, J.S., Arnott, S.R., & Goodale, M.A. (2009). fMR-adaptation reveals separate processing regions for visual form and texture in the human ventral stream. Experimental Brain Research, 192, 391-405.
- Arnott, S.R., Cant, J.S., Dutton, G.N., & Goodale, M.A. (2008). Crinkling and crumpling: an auditory fMRI study of material properties. NeuroImage, 43, 368-378.
- Cant, J.S., Large, M-E., McCall, L., & Goodale, M.A. (2008). Independent processing of form, colour, and texture in object perception. Perception, 37, 57-78.
- Cant, J.S., & Goodale, M.A. (2007). Attention to form or surface properties modulates different regions of human occipito-temporal cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 17, 713-731.
- Connolly, J.D., Goodale, M.A., Cant, J.S., & Munoz, D.P. (2007). Effector-specific fields for motor preparation in the human frontal cortex. NeuroImage, 34, 1209-1219.
- Goodale, M.A., & Cant, J.S. (2007). Coming to grips with vision and touch. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30, 209-210.
- Cant, J.S., Westwood, D.A., Valyear, K.F., & Goodale, M.A. (2005). No evidence for visuomotor priming in a visually guided action task. Neuropsychologia, 43, 216-226.
Book Chapters
Goodale, M.A., Cant, J.S., & Kroliczak, G. (2006). Grasping the past and present: When does visuomotor priming occur? In Ögmen, H., & Breitmeyer, B.G., editors. The 1st Half Second: The Microgenesis and Temporal Dynamics of Unconscious and Conscious Visual Processes. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.