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Guo, L.L., Shamli Oghli, Y., Frost, A., Niemeier, M. (2021). Multivariate analysis of electrophysiological signals reveals the time course of precision grasps programs: Evidence for non-hierarchical evolution of grasp control. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(44).

Frost, A., Moussaoui, S., Kaur, J., Aziz, S., Fukuda, K., Niemeier, M. (2021). Is the n-back task a measure of unstructured working memory capacity? Towards understanding its connection to other working memory tasks. Acta Psychologica, 219(103398).

Fan, A.W.Y., Guo, L.L., Frost, A., Whitwell, R.L., Niemeier, M., Cant, J.S. (2021). Grasping of real-world objects is not biased by ensemble perception. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(597691).

Chen, J., Lee, A.C.H., O'Neil, E.B., Abdul-Nabi, M., Niemeier, M. (2020). Mapping the anatomy of perceptual pseudoneglect. A multivariate approach. NeuroImage, 207(116402).

Guo, L.L., Nestor, A., Nemrodov, D., Frost, A., Niemeier, M. (2019). Multivariate analysis of electrophysiological signals reveals the temporal properties of visuomotor computations for precision grips. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(48): 9585-9597.

Frost, A., Tomou, G., Parikh, H., Kaur, J., Zivcevska, M., Niemeier, M. (2019). Working memory in action: inspecting the systematic and unsystematic errors of spatial memory across saccades. Experimental Brain Research, 237(11): 2939-2956.

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Chen, J., Niemeier, M. (2017). Altered perceptual pseudoneglect in ADHD: Evidence for a functional disconnection from early visual activation. Neuropsychologia, 99: 12-23.

Le, A., Vesia, M., Yan, X., Crawford, J. D., Niemeier, M. (2017). Parietal area BA7 integrates motor programs for reaching, grasping, and bimanual coordination. Journal of Neurophysiology, 117(2): 624-36.

Nemrodov, D., Niemeier, M., Mok, JN, Nestor, A. (2016). The time course of individual face recognition: A pattern analysis of ERP signals. NeuroImage, 132: 469-76.

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Chen, J., Niemeier, M. (2014). Distractor removal amplifies spatial frequency-specific crossover of the attentional bias: a psychophysical and Monte Carlo stimulation study. Experimental Brain Research, 232(12): 4001-19.

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Chen, J., Niemeier, M. (2014). Do head-on-trunk signals modulate disengagement of spatial attention? Experimental Brain Research, 232(1): 147-57.

Le, A., Vesia, M., Yan, X., Niemeier, M., Crawford, J. D. (2014). The right anterior intraparietal sulcus is critical for bimanual grasping: a TMS study. Cerebral Cortex, 24(10): 2591-2603.

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Kastrup, A., Dichgans, J., Niemeier, M., Schabet, M. (1998). Changes of cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity during normal aging. Stroke, 29(7): 1311-14.