Research Interests
- Family relations and gender roles in Chinese Societies
- Feminist theories and international gender politics
- Globalization of qualitative research
Current Research
- The Practices of Investigative Research in China's Great Leap Forward (1958-1962)
- The Development of Qualitative Research in Contemporary China
- The Globalization of Critical Qualitative Research
Major Grants
The Corrupting Influence of the State on the Production of Knowledge: Investigative Research in China’s Great Leap Forward (1958-1962) (Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (USA), $19,800 USA), 2012-2014.
Non-governmental Organizations and Democracy in Taiwan (Social Sciences and Humanties Research Councile, Canada, $99,738), 2003-06.
Canada-China Exchange Visiting Scholarship (Education Commission, China, $5000), January-July, 1998.
Chinese Women Organizing (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada, $72, 644), 1996-1999.
Connaught Matching Grants (University of Toronto, $6000), 1993-1994.
Selected Publication
Ping-Chun Hsiung, 2015
"Gender and Development in CIDA's Programs: A Reflection on the Doingem> of Feminist Collaboration," chapter 13 in Ruth Hayhoe, Julia Pan, Qiang Zha, eds. Canadian Universities in China's Transformation: An Untold Story, McGill Queens University Press, in press.
Ping-Chun Hsiung, 2015
"Doing (critical) qualitative research in China in a global era," International Sociology 30(1): 86-102.
Ping-Chun Hsiung, 2012
“Dayuejin qijian ‘diaocha yanjiu’ de shijian yu tiaozhang—zuiyi cheng laoshi luxi de fengfan yu zhiye” (The Practices and Challenges of Investigative Research in the Great Leap Forward: Commemorating Dr. Lucie Cheng) in Hsiao-Chuan Hsia and Yunzhang Liao, eds. Faxian cheng luxi (Discovering Lucie Cheng), Taiwan Social Science Research Press, 2012, p. 93-126.
Ping-Chun Hsiung, 2012
“The Globalization of Qualitative Research: Challenging Anglo-American Domination and Local Hegemonic Discourse.” FQS Forum Qualitative
Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research Volume 13, No. 1, Art. 21.

Ping-Chun Hsiung, 2010
Keting ji Gongchang (客厅即工厂), Chongqing University Press, Qualitative Methods Case Study Series, Chongqing, China
Ping-Chun Hsiung and Katherine Nichol, 2010
“Policies on and Experiences of Foreign Domestic Workers in Canada” Sociology Compass, 4/9:766-78
Ping-Chun Hsiung, 2010
Lives and Legacies: A Guide to Qualitative Interviewing
Hsiung, Ping-Chun. 2010
"Shenru fangtan zhong “fansi”de jiao yu xue (深入访谈中‘反思’的教与学, Teaching and Learning Reflexivity in Qualitative Interviewing)" Zhixing
yanjiu:fansi yu pinglun (质性研究:反思与评论, Qualitative Research: Reflexivity and Review)2:1-24.
Ping-Chun Hsiung, 2008
Teaching Reflexivity in Qualitative Interviewing Teaching Sociology, July, 36 (3): 211-226.
"The Outsider Within and the Insider Without: A Case Study of Chinese Women's Political Participation," , in China 's Developmental Miracle: Origins, Transformations, and Challenges (ed. Alvin Y. So), pp. 161-82, Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, 2003.

Chinese Women Organizing: Cadres, Feminists, Muslims, Queers, Oxford : Berg Publishers (eds. With M. Jaschok & C. Milwertz), 2002.
"The Women's Studies Movement in China in the 1980s and 1990s," in Education, Culture, and Identity in 20th Century China (eds. Glen Peterson, Ruth Hayhoe, Yongling Lu), pp. 430-49, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2001.
"Zhixing Yanjiu Fangfa Chuyi: Fu Shehuixu yu Shehui Xinbie" (On Qualitative Methodology: Engendering the Chinese Sociology), Shehuixue Yanjiu (Sociological Research), 5:3-28, 2001.
"Transformation, Subversion, and Feminist Activism: Report on the Workshops of a Development Project, Xian, China," Journal of Concerned Asian Scholars, 31(3): 47-51, 1999.
"Jie Gui connecting the Tracks: Chinese Women's Activism Surrounding the 1995 World Conference on Women in Beijing ," Gender and History ,10(3): 470-97, 1998 (with R. Wong).

Living Rooms as Factories: Class, Gender, and the Satellite Factory System in Taiwan, Philadephia: Temple University Press, 1996.
"Between Bosses and Workers: The Dilemma of a Keen Observer and a Vocal Feminist," in Feminist Dilemmas in Fieldwork (ed. D. Wolf), pp. 122-37, Boulder: Westview Press, 1996.