Empowering Change: Vania Sakelaris on Inspiring Female Leaders and Building Inclusive Futures

Vania's headshot with the text Empowering Change: UTSC Executive in residence Vania Sakelaris on Inspiring Female Leaders and Building Inclusive Futures

Marking International Women's Day, we present an insightful interview with Vania Sakelaris 
(BSc 1990 VIC), a visionary leader and advocate for women's empowerment, exploring her journey, values, and impact on gender inclusivity and diversity.


  • What challenges have you faced as a successful woman in leadership and entrepreneurship, and how did you overcome them?

    Building confidence as a young leader was a journey. It took time to embrace my strengths and believe in my abilities as I faced early professional challenges. A critical mindset shift eventually helped me to get out of my own way.
  • Can you share an experience that motivated you to support and advance change for other women and underrepresented groups?

    As an Executive EMBA student, I observed a significant gap in representation within the 250+ case studies I read as part of my studies, which predominantly featured male leaders. As a woman in leadership and the mother of two girls, this disparity in representation struck a chord with me. Motivated to contribute to the change I wished to see, I turned to case writing. Through Ivey Publishing, I have authored over 20 case studies, with the majority spotlighting women leaders and entrepreneurs, including underrepresented groups.

  • What’s your mentorship philosophy as an Executive-in-Residence to make the experience inclusive and empowering for young female students and entrepreneurs?

    My work is anchored in strengths and in the belief that we all have a gift. My mantra has always been: success is the sum of all parts. I have always been and am committed to continuing to empower others to shine and share their gifts with others. I can often be heard saying: “Don’t rob others of the opportunity to learn from you."

  • What role do you believe mentorship plays in supporting current students, particularly women, in their professional and entrepreneurial journeys?

    I see my role as a mentor and coach as being a catalyst. Everyone needs a spark to mobilize thoughts and actions; while this often comes from within, external reinforcement can be beneficial. Mentors inspire others to chase their dreams and instill hope. I guide my discussions towards "the art of the possible" rather than the impossible.

My mantra has always been: success is the sum of all parts. I have always been, and am committed to continuing, to empower others to shine and share their gifts with others. I can often be heard saying, 'Don’t rob others of the opportunity to learn from you.'

  • Can you share about a female entrepreneur whose journey has inspired you and how it has influenced your own path?

    It wasn't just one individual, but the collective influence of many encountered during my corporate career, graduate studies, and my entrepreneurial journey over the last decade. I sought out women's peer support groups and advisory boards, where the conversations inspired me, boosted my confidence, and expanded my network quickly. Now, I chair two Advisory Boards for Women Entrepreneurs within GroYourBiz, an organization with boards across Canada and the US.

  • How do your vision and values influence your work as a CEO, entrepreneur, and executive coach, particularly in creating environments that support women’s advancement?

    I am a values-based leader, reinforcing to my clients the importance of recognizing and aligning with personal values. In my roles as a mentor, Executive Coach, and University Instructor, I highlight the benefit of applying them to our daily thoughts, decisions and actions. I see values as our North Star, and as something that keeps us on track.

  • What advice would you give to organizations looking to improve their practices to better support gender inclusivity and diversity?

    One of my core beliefs is: 'know what you don’t know and seek to surround yourself with people who do.' My paths in leadership and entrepreneurship are navigated with curiosity, open-mindedness, and adaptability. Upon recognizing gaps, I actively seek training and experts to bridge them. I assert that organizations must be responsive to the needs and gaps of clients and employees, especially concerning gender inclusivity and diversity. Understanding these areas is critical to addressing them effectively. Authentic intentions and actions are essential for building trust and achieving impact.

  • What changes or developments do you hope to see in the next decade regarding women’s roles in leadership and entrepreneurship?

    I am heartened by the growing number of women embracing leadership roles, entrepreneurial ventures, and board positions. I've always held the conviction that the diversity of perspectives, skills, and experiences enriches organizations and their stakeholders. A wider lens opens more opportunities for collective value creation. Witnessing women leverage their strengths, acknowledge their gifts, and bolster their confidence is truly inspiring. My commitment remains to empower and inspire by leading through example, emphasizing our shared responsibility to pay it forward.

Learn more about the Executives, Entrepreneurs & Alumni in Residence program at UTSC here.