

Nicholas Abrams

Nicholas Abrams is currently a PhD Candidate in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto. His dissertation research is an ethnography of precarious labour and of labour activism in the industrial manufacturing and construction industries of Africa’s busiest port-city—Durban, South Africa. Nicholas’s work focuses on a novel form of non-unionized and grassroots labour activism which has emerged in this industry out of the political machine associated with elements of organized crime linked to the African National Congress in Durban. Here his research investigates the politics of post-apartheid nation building by attending to this conflict that he trances between labour activists, industrial manufacturing companies, and the so-called ‘mafia’ groups that run much of city’s construction industry. In doing so, Nicholas’ research provides a bottom-up account of the forms of governance (patronage and “mafia” machine politics) which shape development and popular politics within this post-colonial context.


Abdulla Majeed

Abdulla Majeed is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto. Based on 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork among Iraqi exiles, migrant activists, cultural centres, and charitable organizations in Jordan’s capital Amman, his doctoral project examines how exiled Iraqis cultivate complimentary citizen-like relations despite their exclusion from the future would-be citizenry and the perceived absence of a benevolent state to anchor their rights. In light of the legal uncertainty characterizing the everyday life of Iraqi exiles in Jordan as “guests” of the monarchy—an ambiguous non-binding status evoking an anticolonial past rooted in pan-Arabism and Arab traditions of hospitality—Abdulla’s work is interested in examining how exiled Iraqis construct and work towards future aspirations for benevolent governance and ethical citizenship as their lives comes to be entangled with multiple statecrafts; Iraqi, Jordanian, and imperial. These political futures could be articulated in ways that coexist along and borrow from traditional forms of governance, or that may transcend it seeking alternative, and at times injurious, ways of occupying the world. Such anxieties come to be particularly salient once read against the backdrop of an authoritarian Ba’athist past that continues to haunt the present and an omnipresent imperial violence that engendered a post-occupation ‘democratic’ condition characterized by political corruption and paramilitary violence.

To that end, Abdulla’s work develops an ethnographic approach to imperiality by paying close attention to the duality of absence and excess entangling Iraqi everyday life and the management and effecting of multiple scales of this duality by co-constitutive statecraft projects. Abdulla’s work has been supported by the Wenner-Gren Foundation (2020), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship (2021-2023), and other prestigious awards.

Janita Van Dyk

Janita Van Dyk is a PhD at the Department of Anthropology with a collaborative specialization in Food Studies. Her dissertation project, “Food Tempos: Making Time, Food, and Value in Northern Italy,” examines the changing economic and social landscape of food and farming in Northern Italy. She focusses on how groups of international and Italian students, activists, researchers, and producers associated with the slow food movement respond to climate change impacts. As place-based foods, such as terroir goods and products with Geographical Indications certifications, increasingly become oversaturated in the market and under threat by changes in the landscapes that support them, her research examines how people turn to different strategies to make food valuable, growable, and knowable. Notably, people turn to time and temporality to render food a key medium in the history and present of the Italian nation-state, social collectives, and associational life, thus forming emerging subjectivities, relationships, and value regimes. Janita is the recipient of the Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant (2021), the SSHRC Jean-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship (2018–21), and the Culinaria Research Centre Graduate Student Fellowship (2020–21). Her work is currently published in Food, Feminism, Fermentation’s “Musings,” Gastronomica: The Journal of Food Studies, and Fieldsights, hosted by the Society for Cultural Anthropology.


Marianna B. Reis


Marianna B. Reis is a PhD candidate in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto. Based on twelve months of ethnographic fieldwork in the Greater Nazareth Area and Wadi Ara, her doctoral project investigates how residents of Palestinian towns and cities within northern Israel and Palestinian planning justice advocates maneuver through, experience, make demands for, and push up against urban infrastructural development and planning during a time of unprecedented investment by the State of Israel in the material, economic, and social conditions of its Palestinian localities. In particular, she is interested in how discourses around connectivity and mobility reveal an unstable and ambivalent relationship between the desire for and the consequences of infrastructural upgrade, and what this reveals about the materialities of citizenship under settler colonialism. Similarly, her project is concerned with how planning advocacy strategies are caught between, and at times take for granted, neoliberal discourses of technical planning expertise, liberal democratic discourses of citizen participation, and discourses of resistance that highlight the limitations of formal and informal participation in urban development. Marianna is the recipient of the Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant (2018), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship (2018-2020), among other distinguished awards.


Daniel Salas


Daniel Salas is a PhD candidate in Social Anthropology at Dalhousie University. His dissertation is an ethnographic exploration of the politics of value in contemporary rural Cuba. In this study, Daniel analyzes how everyday practices of private farmers, migrant agricultural workers, state representatives, and other residents in the hinterland south of Havana enact and transform moral notions involved in the reconstitution of social selves, community, and the socialist state. Daniel's work interrogates the country's semi-dollarized monetary regime for clues, to understand the dimensions of systemic contradiction, integration and structural blindness that people must negotiate in practice. Looking at the production of food commodities as part of the broader reproduction of rural society, the research registers discrepancies in value practices across class, gender, race and representation; yet it also finds the seeds of democratic valuation networks. Ultimately, Daniel argues that the consolidation of such networks depends on devolving valuation power to communities. This alone cannot solve all the contradictions between disparate standards of value but would put people in a better position to participate in imagining and realizing common dreams. 

Daniel holds a BA in Journalism from the University of Havana and a MA in Cuban Cultural Processes from the University of the Arts of Cuba. He worked and taught in the field of communication before coming to Canada to pursue a career in anthropology. Daniel received the Vanier CSG and Killam pre-doctoral scholarships.


Hadia Akhtar Khan

Hadia Akhtar Khan is a PhD Candidate in Anthropology at the University of Toronto. Her doctoral research investigates how transnational householding is reshaping kinship and gender relations within the context of economic restructuring in rural Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. 

Migrant joint families have amassed significant amounts of wealth through the ownership of convenience stores in Malaysia and ‘temporary’ marriages to Malaysian women. Men are able to migrate and still uphold honor in the village by leaving their Pashtun wives and children under the patriarchal protection of a brother within the joint family, which the migrant supports with remittances. This transnational ‘joint’ family enterprise, comprised of the convenience store and Malaysian family headed by the migrant in Malaysia, and the farm and family headed by the brother in Pakistan, is able to become upwardly mobile because of fraternal solidarity and multiple wifehoods. On the one hand, this mutuality, care and compromise within the joint family allows it to accumulate assets under culturally and morally appropriate conditions. On the other, hierarchies, conflicts and extractions between family members animate the everyday and more eventful conflicts over who does what (labour) and who is owed what (entitlement) share in the fruits of family labor. My dissertation analyzes how these complex and contradictory kinship and gender relations, comprised of the inextricably linked aspects of mutuality and difference, shape upward mobility and the emergence of economic and social hierarchies between family members. 


J. Alonso Gamarra

J. Alonso Gamarra is a PhD candidate in Anthropology Department at McGill University. His research explores the relationship between food and belonging in neoliberal Peru. Through an experience-near engagement with the everyday lives of farmers, market workers and activists, Alonso’s dissertation describes how local foodways and cultivation techniques give life form in social worlds affected by one of Peru’s major eco-territorial conflicts. The Tía María mining conflict began to gather the attention of mainstream Peruvian publics in 2009, when a subsidiary of Grupo Mexico announced its plans to build two open-pit copper mines in the Tambo River Valley (Islay, Arequipa). Over the following decade, state institutions responded to overwhelming rejection of valley residents with a combination of militarized repression and disenfranchisement. In parallel, infrastructural modifications to a dam located farther upriver have altered the flow and composition of the river, negatively affecting the environment, and threatening the future of small-scale agriculture in the valley. This situation raises important questions about the forms of exclusionary violence that sustain Peru’s economic growth today. Framing Peruvian neoliberalism as a political-economic regime constituted through authoritarian state reforms enacted amid the upheavals of a protracted internal armed conflict (1980-2000), Alonso’s writing projects trace the afterlives of these transformations in the overlapping social worlds of project participants. In doing so, they seek to render an ethnographic picture of belonging in neoliberal Peru, which foregrounds ordinary efforts at mediating the competing demands of more than one grounding sociality, particularly in critical moments when the extension of a shared world entails uncertain attempts at collective transformation. To represent these irresolvable pulls, his writing moves between situated concepts of arraigo (lit. “rootedness”) and scenes in which the actions of growing, cooking, and sharing food provide resources for care and worldmaking.


Sarah O'Sullivan


Sarah O'Sullivan is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Anthropology and completing a collaborative specialization in Global Health at the University of Toronto. Her research responds to long-held assumptions about aid dependency and HIV stigma in post-conflict societies. She is particularly interested in how a history of HIV-exceptionalism in the Acholi region of northern Uganda has influenced current politics of post-conflict ethical living for HIV-positive Acholi people. Sarah’s project is based on archival and long-term ethnographic research in Uganda since 2011. Her research reveals that HIV stigma persists in Acholi, in part, due to a history of an over-saturated—yet incredibly uneven—landscape of humanitarian and development aid where an HIV-positive status often opened doors to material aid not afforded to others.


Sarah commits herself to promoting and engaging with ethical, anti-colonial, anti-oppressive research and teaching practices and has taught several courses both at the undergraduate and graduate level that interrogate colonial epistemology. She was also a visiting lecturer at Gulu University in Uganda where she taught a course about the social determinants of health to the Master of Medical Anthropology and International Health student cohort.


Sarah regularly gives guest lectures to health care providers and development workers both within Canada and Uganda where she talks about HIV, structural violence, and decolonization. She is a graduate associate at the UTSC Centre for Critical Development Studies, a former New College Senior Doctoral Fellow, and is currently the Director for Got Anthropology, a public speaker series that seeks to make anthropology accessible to the public.

Gloria C. Pérez-Rivera


Gloria C. Pérez-Rivera is a PhD Candidate in Anthropology at Vanderbilt University. She was trained as a physician in Colombia and practiced for ten years before moving to North America, where she earned a B.A. in sociocultural anthropology from UTSC and an M.A. in medical anthropology from the University of Toronto, St. George. Gloria’s doctoral research focuses on relations of credit and debt in the lives of people internally displaced during the Colombian conflict from rural regions to cities. This work examines how the urban peripheries where displaced people settle constitute financial frontiers where poor people become entangled in relations of debt and credit with predatory illicit narco-paramilitary moneylenders and licit financial institutions. While both illicit and licit sources of credit are exploitative, the cash that narco-paramilitary money lenders provide allows thousands of people to work in informal economies and to subsist. Exploring these complexities ethnographically, Gloria’s research traces credit and debt relations through histories of paramilitarism, leftist guerrillas insurgencies, and state violence, drug trafficking, and money laundering to show how conflict-driven class reconfigurations and systematic land dispossession create the conditions for capital accumulation through financialization of poor populations.


Miranda Dahlin

Miranda Dahlin is a PhD candidate in the Department of Anthropology at McGill University. Her dissertation, tentatively titled, “To wait amongst shadows: traversing the spectral geography of state-cartel and US asylum violence in Ciudad Juárez/El Paso,” traces the experiences of several Mexican asylum seekers fleeing state-cartel violence and corruption in Mexico, and their subsequent journey through the US immigration system in El Paso, Texas. Her dissertation explores the use of affective, imagistic, and textural modes of conveying experiences of state-cartel violence that do not fit with the chronological, explanatory modes of storytelling required by the asylum system. It demonstrates that these imagistic modes of storytelling better illuminate the experiences of state-cartel terror, reveal its modus operandi, and highlight the resonances and linkages between these experiences and other long-term, binational violences in the border region. She unpacks the arguments and perceptions that tend to criminalize Mexican asylum seekers and keep the US national denial rate of Mexican asylum claims hovering around 90% (despite the existence of egregious state-cartel violence), and argues that after fleeing a situation where state-cartel agents operate by creating an atmosphere that incites fear, uncertainty, nervousness, and despair, Mexican asylum seekers then find themselves enmeshed in the US immigration system that often incites similar affects and sensory experiences. Miranda was a recipient of the McCall MacBain fellowship at McGill and the SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship.

Johanna Pokorny

Johanna Pokorny is a PhD candidate in socio-cultural anthropology at the University of Toronto. Her doctoral thesis, which is situated at the intersection of anthropology and science studies, follows the laboratory life and knowledge production practices of a group of neuroscientists studying the self in the brain, and how their research participates in shifts in contemporary scientific notions of personhood, knowledge, and the body in North America. As the popularity of the neurosciences has increased over the past two decades, the neurosciences have become a dominant scientific framework through which to query the human. But recent changes complicate this, as with neuroplasticity, the embeddedness of the brain in its surrounds and more embodied and dynamic models of the brain are proposed and taken up by researchers. Johanna’s project focuses on a group of neuroscientists that use a variety of neuroscientific imaging and experimental techniques and claim to theorize a dynamic, embodied, cultural self in the brain. She argues that this neuroscientific knowledge production is a project in self-fashioning both as a scientific fact but also a lived reality for the scientists doing the scientific work. In other words, neuroscientists draw on and entangle themselves in neurological matters, living and becoming the embodied, dynamic brains that they study, speaking to wider issues of the lively material, ethical, and imaginary practices of doing science.


Jacob Nerenberg


Jacob Nerenberg is a PhD candidate in the Department of Anthropology (socio-cultural) at University of Toronto. His doctoral dissertation is titled Terminal Economy: Politics of Distribution in Highlands Papua, Indonesia. His thesis examines popular livelihoods and struggles around commerce and state distribution programs in Papua, also called West Papua—a contested territory where Indonesia encompasses Melanesia. He interprets the ‘terminal economy’, based on routine transactions at peri-urban minivan terminals and markets, as a paradigm of the region’s relegation to a peripheral status in wider national and global economic orders. His writing highlights the way these heterogeneous spaces act as microcosms of recursive processes of encompassment, which incite agendas of disruption, distinction, commercial regulation, and infrastructure extension. His research was supported by the International Development Research Centre, the Fonds Québécois de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.


Jessika Tremblay


Jessika Tremblay is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto. She is writing her dissertation entitled "Internet Kampung: Community based internet infrastructure in post-authoritarian Indonesia," based on 20 months of ethnographic research in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2012-2014). Her research interests are in digital and urban anthropology, infrastructure, and development. She is also the co-founder of the Urban Ethnography Lab based in the Georg Simmel Centre for Metropolitan Studies in Berlin and the Department of Anthropology at UofT.



Koreen Reece completed her PhD in Social Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh in 2015. Her PhD thesis – entitled An Ordinary Crisis? Kinship in Botswana’s Time of AIDS – examines the effects of the AIDS epidemic on families in Botswana, and the legacies of governmental and non-governmental initiatives launched in response. Conventional wisdom has tended to assume that families have suffered irreversible breakdown as a result of AIDS, a crisis threatening to create many other crises in its wake: political crisis, financial crisis, an ‘orphan crisis’, and a ‘crisis of care’. Instead, Reece argues that Tswana kinship is constituted in conflict, crisis, and irresolution (or dikgang); and that as such, families prove unexpectedly resilient in contexts of crisis. Misreading this resilience, government and NGO interventions in the family struggle to achieve their aims – in part because they operate according to hidden kinship principles and ideals, derived from a variety of socio-cultural settings – and threaten to refigure kinship practice in much more enduring ways than the epidemic itself. The thesis was awarded the Outstanding Thesis Award for Edinburgh’s School of Social and Political Science.


During her Fellowship, Koreen will pursue new work on storytelling and kinship, attending to the ways families, NGOs, and the state tell themselves and their relationships in the context of AIDS. She will also be revising her thesis into a book manuscript. Koreen’s next research project will focus on marriage and relationships in Botswana, as part of a European Research Council-funded global comparative project on marriage.

Letha Victor

Letha Victor is a PhD candidate in socio-cultural anthropology at the University of Toronto, where her dissertation is provisionally titled “Dirty things: violence, spirit forces, and social change in Acholi, northern Uganda.” Her thesis concerns the problem of cosmological disruption resultant from twenty years of war and population displacement in Acholi (1986-2006) and the spiritual affect of a threatening and uncertain past, present, and future. Ajwani or “dirty things” are instances of spiritual pollution, manifest in certain types of suffering and misfortune, caused by transgressions of the moral order. The ghosts of those persons in Acholi who died violent and impure deaths haunt the living, non-human spirit forces possess and speak through the bodies of humans, and the shadows of ancestors — neglected at abandoned family homesteads for many years — make their presence known to their living kin. Still others interpret such happenings as the result of devil worship and global conspiracy, or in the biopolitical vein of trauma: pointing to the severe lived experiences of the war (mass population displacement, large-scale abduction by the Lord’s Resistance Army, massacres and other atrocities). What binds these diverse explications is the concern with addressing distress in an ethical way, prompting debates over morality and ritual expertise, the legibility of suffering, and authenticity in Acholi society. Letha’s dissertation argues that shared anxieties over who is most qualified to act upon the pollution caused by violence (broadly defined) speak to wider issues of subjectivity, temporality, and social change in Acholi.


Columba Gonzalez


Columba Gonzalez is a PhD candidate in sociocultural anthropology at the University of Toronto. Her doctoral thesis elucidates the conservation dynamics surrounding the monarch butterfly across the Eastern Conservation Corridor, comprised by different territories in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. Her study reveals the effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in the conservation of the monarch butterfly, as well as the politics embedded in classrooms, laboratories, national parks and among citizen-scientists from the U.S. and Canada, in relation to Mexican rural peasants who co-habit with the monarch butterfly across the migration route. This dissertation builds on ethnographic data obtained at two conservation areas in Canada, a laboratory focused on monarch biology at the University of Minnesota in the U.S., and at the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Mexico, which protects the forest where the butterfly hibernates. In order to reveal the connections between these four sites, her work elaborates on a post-humanist framework that highlights the way in which humans and butterflies mutually constitute each other enabling the existence of the conservation corridor. The research also aims to reveal the ways in which these four sites—despite their differences—are connected by the butterfly, as well as through the social and natural arrangements that transformed these sites after the implementation of NAFTA.

Hollis Moore


Hollis Moore is a PhD candidate in sociocultural anthropology at the University of Toronto. Her doctoral thesis, entitled “Imprisonment and (Un)Relatedness in North Eastern Brazil”, examines how increasing rates of imprisonment, and the concentration of carceral effects, shape social relations in Mata Escura, a low-income neighbourhood in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. This study encompasses spaces such as prison waiting areas, a shelter/school for children of prisoners, prison visitors' homes, evangelical storefront churches, and the main entrance of the penal compound where creative entrepreneurs sell products/services to prison visitors. She focuses on everyday practices (i.e. commensality and parenting), kinship rituals (birthdays, baptisms, funerals, etc.), and gendered social relations (between/among men, women, and children prisoners and non-prisoners) that traverse prison walls in order to reveal often overlooked aspects of imprisonment. At stake with this project is the question of how people maintain and (un)make social relations under conditions of crisis and, thereby, (re)produce, work with and against, but also exceed carceral logics.


Vivian Solana Moreno

Vivian Solana Moreno is currently a Ph.D candidate in the Anthropology Department at the University of Toronto. Her doctoral dissertation entitled ‘The Fifth World’: International Intervention & the Aftermath of Revolution in the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic’ investigates the outcomes of the Saharawi revolution in Saharawi refugee camps located in Southern Algeria, where the national liberation movement of the POLISARIO Front has built a state in exile, claiming sovereignty over the Western Sahara through diplomatic means since a UN-mediated ceasefire in 1991. With a focus on women and youth, two key groups for the social reproduction of the Saharawi movement, her dissertation explores the political subjectivities of Saharawi refugees born into the uncanny presence of a collective dream that never became. Situated at the intersection of an anthropology of international intervention, gender, violence and social transformation, her doctoral research brings these interests to bear on the conditions of possibility for a liberatory politics under contemporary internationally-intervened regimes.


Email:  vivian.solana@mail.utoronto.ca


Alejandra González Jiménez


Alejandra González Jiménez is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Anthropology Department at the University of Toronto. Her doctoral dissertation entitled Volkswagen de México: The Car as National Fetish, ethnographically examines capitalism by looking at concrete and mundane car-related practices: the manufacturing, engineering, driving, and collecting of cars. Through these practices she elucidates the ways in which capitalism is continuously made, remade, and unmade in the everyday. She explores the intersections between capitalism and national projects of development, as well as how these two abstract processes are embedded in concrete social practices, aspirations, affective attachments, promises, and hopes. Alejandra is a Mellon Mays Fellow and holds the John Hope Franklin Dissertation Fellowship from the American Philosophical Society.

Nicole Rigillo

Nicole Rigillo is a fifth year PhD candidate in the Anthropology Department at McGill University. Her doctoral research is situated at the intersection of the anthropology of economics, medicine, and knowledge, and examines corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a novel form of governance in Bangalore, India. Her dissertation situates ethnographic accounts of CSR programs providing various forms of support to populations defined as “in need” within a historical analysis of shifts in techniques of welfare provision in Mysore State (present-day Karnataka) throughout the twentieth century.  Through explorations of local and transnational CSR programs aiming to empower and improve the health of urban female garment factory workers, the residents of a rural district, and children attending government schools across Bangalore, she gestures to the diverse ways in which the logic and practice of CSR is forging novel relations of responsibility and forms of personhood in India today, and modifying the meaning of society and the market in the process.


Dr. Malini Sur defended her doctoral dissertation entitled Jungle Passports and Metal Fences - Living on the border between Northeast India and Bangladesh at the University of Amsterdam in 2012. Her research interests include the study of partitions, borders and human rights in South Asia, with a focus on the anthropology of violence, political ambiguities and undocumented trade flows. Dr. Sur is the co-editor of Transnational Flows and Permissive Polities: Ethnographies of Human Mobility in Asia (with Barak Kalir, University of Amsterdam Press 2012). Photographs from her fieldwork have been exhibited in Kathmandu, Chiang Mai, Amsterdam, Gottingen and Berlin.


As a post-doctoral fellow at the Centre for Ethnography at UTSC, Dr. Sur will be critically revisiting early post-colonial archives in India, East Pakistan and Bangladesh, and ethnographically documenting people’s experiences of political violence. Investigating military architecture like border outposts and border roads, she argues that these sites not only inscribe violence but also function as spaces of recreation and mobility, complicating civil-military relations. She will use her fellowship period at the Centre for Ethnography to write on these themes.


Asli Zengin


Asli Zengin is a fifth year PhD student in both the Anthropology Department and the collaborative program in Women and Gender Studies at the University of Toronto. Her doctoral work focuses on the relationship between intimacy and state power in Turkey. She investigates the intimate relations between representatives of the State (police, doctors, lawyers, etc) and trans people who work in the sex trade and/or seek sex change operations. Paying close attention to the legal codes and regulations surrounding sex change operations and sex work in Turkey, Asli Zengin investigates the ways in which the Turkish State seeks to regulate sexuality and intimacy, and describes the ways in which trans women respond to these processes in their everyday lives. She is the author ofIktidarın Mahremiyeti: İstanbul’da Hayat Kadınları, Seks İşçiliği ve Şiddet [Intimacy of Power: Women Prostitutes, Sex Work and Violence in İstanbul] (Metis Yayınevi: İstanbul, 2011).


Victoria (Tori) Sheldon

Victoria (Tori) Sheldon is a PhD candidate in the Anthropology Department and the Centre for South Asian Studies at the University of Toronto. Her dissertation examines the rise of Nature Cure (prakriti jeevanam) as a practice of self-healing, a mode of public health activism, and an ecumenical discipline of renunciation in Kerala, south India. Tentatively titled, “The Varieties of Natural Experiences: prakriti jeevanam self-healing as bodily and ethical repair in the wake of Kerala’s ‘Health Crisis’”, her dissertation canvasses last-resort quests for cure in the face of rising regional chronic “lifestyle” illnesses: cancer, metabolic disorders, alcoholism, organ failure, and depression. Victoria engages with narrative phenomenology in order to unpack how patients aim to become ‘self-doctors,’ taking their sickness as sign of alienation from the organic world of plants and nonhuman animals. At health education camps and residential hospitals, patients simultaneously remedy their ill bodies, the toxic environment, and moral collapse, employing the idiom of cultivating pranashakti or vitality via unmediated connection with the five natural elements (panchabootas). This health movement occurs within the historical backdrop of Gandhi’s propagation of Nature Cure as the self-healing system necessary for Indian villagers to develop swaraj or independence against colonial rule. At the phenomenal level, Victoria’s project asks: how do the hopeful, self-directed and flexible therapeutic processes of nature cures temporally frame illness experience and rearticulate ethical and political subjectivities? At the discursive level, it examines the extent to which public narratives of moral and environmental crises renegotiate these individual quests for bodily repair.

Mingyuan Zhang


Mingyuan Zhang graduated from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Western Ontario in 2018. Her research explores how the meaning of “being Chinese” is culturally and socially constructed in northern Madagascar, focusing on identity-shaping encounters between Mandarin-speaking Chinese and Malagasy people in three particular contexts: 1) a sugar plantation managed by a Chinese stated-owned corporation; 2) networks of Chinese and Malagasy private businessmen who enable the movement of cheap Chinese commodities from Guangzhou, China to northern Madagascar; and 3) the classrooms of the Confucius Institute - a worldwide educational project sponsored by the Chinese government aiming to promote Chinese language and culture. She is currently working as a part-time assistant professor at Western. She speaks and writes Mandarin Chinese and English fluently, and has a working knowledge of French and the dialect of Malagasy spoken in northern Madagascar.


