A Portal for Higher Education Resources

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) is not only a term used to describe professional development but a fundamental approach to understanding how we teach and learn on university campuses. This section features annotated references to resources at the University of Toronto, peer institutions, and other sites of learning that include concrete suggestions for bringing EDI initiatives to life.

 Multiple purple flowers are in bloom.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Examples from Canadian Universities

University of Toronto

The University of Toronto has a long history of examining and addressing issues of oppression.  In addition to resources posted on other pages within the hub, this page features links exploring current initiatives across the tri-campus aimed at addressing rising instances of anti-Asian racism, Islamophobia, anti-Muslim racism, and anti-Semitism.

In the Spring of 2022, the university established an Anti-Asian Racism Working Group to “review programming, activities, processes, and practices in place at the institution, and make recommendations to support the University’s response to anti-Asian racism.” This tri-campus initiative is intended to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all members of Asian communities and encourages feedback and insight from the university community. The Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Final Report was released in May 2023 and is available for download.

The Centre of Integrative Anti-Racism Studies (CIARS) published a Resource Guide entitled “Anti-Muslim Racism Beyond Islamophobia.” It explores the intersectional aspects of Muslim identities, resources to explore the history and culture of Islam and Muslim peoples, and the distinction between Islamophobia and anti-Muslim racism. Related Viewing: Watch the video discussing the CIARS guide in further detail. 

In December 2021, the Report of the University of Toronto Anti-Semitism Working Group was published by the Anti-Semitism Working Group. The report examines the May 2016 University of Toronto Statement on Anti-Semitism and Racism to provide context for the 8 recommendations listed in the report and aim to "guide the University in dealing with anti-Semitism in the context of its dual commitment to academic freedom and inclusion. Related Viewing: Watch Understanding Antisemitism: A Three-Part Video Series by Hillel International


Related Resources

  • Muslims in Canada Archives (MiCA) is a project hosted at the Institute for Islamic Studies (IIS) at the University of Toronto.  MiCA "acquires, organizes, preserves, and makes accessible records of and about Canadian Muslim individuals and organizations that possess enduring value for the preservation of the history and documentary heritage of Muslims in Canada."
  •  "Key Highlights & Commitments Dashboard" was created by the Office of the President, Office of the Provost, and Office of the Vice President, People Strategy, Equity, & Culture. Designed to reflect "some of the important work and initiatives taking place across the tri-campus in response to recommendations from the Anti-Black Racism Task Force and the Antisemitism Working Group" highlights the University of Toronto's institutional commitments to equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • EDI Resources by Academic Department was developed by the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Office at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM). The Equity Hub highlights "statements, workshops, committees and other equity activities" in different units or departments across UTM.

York University

"A Model for Engaged Teaching at York University: Moving Towards Research-Informed Practice" was published by the Associate Deans Teaching and Learning Council Sub-Committee on Research and Innovation in Teaching and Learning (SoTL). There are four dimensions of practice they explore:

  • Scholarly Teaching
  • Scholarship of Teaching & Learning
  • Practice of Teaching
  • Sharing about Teaching

University of British Columbia

The Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT) at the University of British Columbia (UBC) has created a series of 5 self-directed online modules supporting Inclusive Teaching practices.  

Information on developing an inclusive syllabus, emphasizing the importance of valuing differences and incorporating equity and inclusion, is also available from the CTLT.

University of Ottawa

The Teaching and Learning Support Services (TLSS) at the University of Ottawa developed Inclusive Pedagogiesa resource hub addressing key areas for developing inclusive teaching practices.  Although not a comprehensive list of what is available, here are some key sections to get started:

Dalhousie University, McGill University, University of Victoria, & McMaster University  

Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

SoTL has an extensive network of resources to improve student learning and engage in critical examinations of pedagogy.  

Universities Canada

"Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives at Canadian Universities" is a resource hub developed by Universities Canada showcasing EDI initiatives at Canadian universities with a searchable, combinable to track down information that may be relevant for your program or department.


Related Resources