International Engagement Survey

Deadline July 5, 2024

Faculty are at the centre of international engagement. Their pedagogical, research and service initiatives promote, shape, and inform how knowledge and practices are created impacting the lives of students and communities at home and abroad. The expansion of internationalization of higher education has created exciting opportunities for international engagement both small and large. Internationalization has allowed faculty members to advance knowledge and foster learning in new and innovative ways not possible before. 

This survey aims to map the current state of international engagement for UTSC faculty members, and their areas of international interests. The information collected will expand our understanding about the regions with whom we have the closest connection fields of engagement, type of partnerships, and more. In addition, this survey may assist in identifying potential gaps in our international engagement approaches and ways to address them.

The survey questions include aspects of faculty international involvement that are not clearly captured as part of UTSC and U of T's already existing services, initiatives, and programs related to international engagement. We invite all UTSC faculty members (all streams) to complete the survey. The results will inform and facilitate the work of the UTSC international committees (UTSC International and Global Engagement Governance Structure). The findings of the survey (general trends) will be shared at a later date. No individual responses will be shared. For more information, please contact:

Carlos Vargas, M.Ed
Director, International and Global Engagement
Office of the Vice-President & Principal
University of Toronto Scarborough 



Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is this survey being conducted? 
    It will offer UTSC's international Committees an opportunity to understand the overall trends of international engagement and faculty members' preferences. The information will assist the campus to identify major trends and gaps in our approach to internationalization, and can provide an opportunity to enhance the collective way international engagement takes place.
  • Who is eligible to participate in the survey?
    All faculty members at the Scarborough campus (all streams)
  • Is the survey confidential? How will results be shared?  
    The results of the survey are confidential but not anonymous. They will reside within the Office of the Principal. The findings of the survey (general trends) will be shared for the purpose of understanding and improving our international approach to partnerships and collaborations. No individual responses will be shared.
  • What are the benefits of completing the survey?
    The results will help close the gaps in our collective understanding of overall international engagement. The survey questions include aspects of faculty international involvement not clearly captured already as part of UTSC and U of T existing services, initiatives and programs related to international engagement -for instance co-publications, joint degree programs, etc. are already captured.
  • What does the survey focus on?
International initiatives Factors that ease or hinder pedagogical and research collaborations Regions of interest Priorities for developing international research actions Fields of interests International activities of interest
  • Who is conducting the survey? 
    The University of Toronto Scarborough is undertaking the survey in-house using a data collection service called REDCap. REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases supported by the University of Toronto Information Services group.
  • Is the survey voluntary?
    Yes. We encourage UTSC faculty members to participate in order to achieve the best possible understanding of UTSC collective international engagement. 

  • What if I change my mind about participating after I submit my responses?
    Please send an email requesting the removal of your information to:
  • How will the survey results be shared? 
    General trends of the survey results will be shared after they are analyzed.