Promote Your Organization

group meeting

Increase your visibility to our co-op students

Participating in on-campus events or hosting students at your workplace are great ways to connect and build your brand with prospective co-op employees. Below are just a few ways to promote your organization and build a strong awareness with our Arts & Science co-op students. If you'd like to book one of these events with us, please fill out this form and one of our Business Development Coordinators will call you as soon as possible.

We're open to your ideas as well and we're happy to collaborate with you on a new and innovative event idea. Contact us today if you'd like to speak with someone about how to network with our students. You may email us at or at 416-287-7260.

Co-host a Hackathon 

Co-host a hackathon with us. Provide a technical problem to our students and they will use their skills to solve it and present their ideas to you. You will be our panel judges as our students demonstrate their strong critical analysis, ideation, team collaboration and technical skills. This is a great way to promote your organization and work with our top-tier co-op students. Click here to see the highlights of a recent event hosted with Shopify and Index Exchange.

Company Information Sessions

Kick off your next recruitment cycle with a campus information session for our co-op students. We will book the campus location for you at no cost and will take care of all promotions to our students.

Industry Tours

Have a workplace or facilities that you're proud to show off? Book an industry tour! We'll bring our students to you for on-site company visits, tours or an information session. It's a great way for to promote your organization and the opportunities it offers.

Panel Presentations

Participate in a panel presentation for an opportunity to share your expertise and insights with our current junior students. Panelists speak to approximately 100-150 co-op students and prepare them for their co-op work term search and career planning.

Previous topics included:

  • Career paths
  • Etiquette
  • Accessing the hidden job market
  • Industry overview
  • Market trends