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Invited LecturesTactile pictures: drawings by practiced individuals, Conference on Blind Children: Teaching, Understanding and Learning. Stockholm, November 10-12th 2004 Perspective pictures, vision and touch: Renaissance geometry and convergence. September, Ebbinghaus (22nd), Cognition and Perception (23rd), Semiotics (24th), October: Explorations in Science (22nd), University of Toronto. With Igor Juricevic. Pictures: theory of outline, theory of perspective and theory of drawing in the blind and sighted. Bornholm (April 24th) and Roskilde (April 27, 28th), Denmark, 2004 Tactile pictures and the blind. Conference on education of the blind and visually impaired students, Athens, February 6-8th 2004 Tactile pictures and the blind York University, March 21st 2003 Tactile pictures and the blind University of Minnesota March, 13th 2003 Tactile pictures and the blind 5: Mohawk College Program on Orientation and Mobility, March 7th, 2003 Tactile pictures and the blind 4: Mohawk College Program on Orientation and Mobility, February 19th, 2002 Tactile pictures and the blind 3: Mohawk College Program on Orientation and Mobility, March 2, 2001 Representational universals, vision and touch. Invited address in the series "three lectures on the cultural history of the senses" Concordia University Lonergan College, March 2 2000 Tactile pictures and the blind 2: Mohawk College Program on Orientation and Mobility, March 10, 2000 Tactile pictures and motion depiction, Cognition and perception, University of Toronto, Scarborough, Jan 27, 2000. Representational universals:University of Buffalo, March 24, 1999. Tactile pictures and the blind: Mohawk College Program on Orientation and Mobility, Jan 12, 1999. Perception, information and pictures by the blind: Gothenburg University, September 25, 1998. Blind children drawing: Monash University October 22, 1997, Macquarie University, October 24; Deakin University, October 31. Metaphor and Cognition, Monash University, October 21, 1997. Pictures and the blind. Lighthouse for the blind, New York, February 14, 1997, New York. Blind children recognizing pictures. University of Uppsala, December 5, 1996. Pictures, perception, cognition and the blind. (four lectures) University of Linkoping, November 27-December 3, 1996. Pictures and the blind. Royal Canadian Institute, Toronto, October 30, 1994. Haptics and recognition on second presentation. University of Linkoping, 19-21 May, 1995. Edgar Rubin and the argument from illusion. Aarhus University, 28 October, 1994. Are illusions additive? UNED, National University, Madrid, 30 October, 1994. Why outline drawings make sense to the sightless and the sighted. Royal Canadian Institute, October 30, 1994. Combining illusions. Aarhus University, Denmark, Centre for Semiotic Research, September 28, 1994; UNED, Madrid, September 30, 1994. Pictures and the blind. Roskilde University, Denmark, September 26, 1994. Figure-ground from Rubin, Johansen & Hochberg to the present. Faculty Research Forum (FFF), Copenhagen University, 15 Oct., 1993. Diderot, Katz and pictures for the blind. Invited lecture in Symposium on Object Representation in Vision and Touch, in honour of the 20th Anniversary of the Open University, Madrid, Spain, 17-19 May, 1993. Pictures understood by the blind. Lecture in honour of the 100th Anniversary of the Swedish Braille Library, Stockholm, Dec. 3, 1992. Pictures to touch: A summary. Semiotic Circle, Toronto, Nov. 30, 1991. Diderot's Letter on the Blind anticipates recent developments. Colloquium in honour of V.V. Ivanov, March 8, 1991, Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Toronto. Theory of touch and theory of pictures. Pembroke College, North Carolina, March 25 and 26, 1991. Perspective pictures and the blind. National Gallery, Ottawa (Sponsored by the Ontario Educators of the Visually Handicapped) May 5, 1990. Pictures to see and pictures to touch. Address to Divisions 1, 3 and 10 of the American Psychological Association meeting at New Orleans, August 13, 1989. Outlines and drawing development in the blind. Symposium on Pictures and the Blind. Whitney Museum of American Art, N.Y. (June 14); National Federation of the Blind, Baltimore (June 15), 1989. The blind and pictures. Goethe Institute and University of Michigan Departments of Psychology and History of Art, March 1988. The blind and pictures. Hart House Senior Members Dinner, October 28, 1987. Outline, perspective and metaphor. German Semiotic Society Conference, Essen, October 5-7, 1987. Theory of pictures. Michigan State University, Canadian Lecturers on Pictures Series, May 26, 1987. The blind: which of their perceptual abilities and aids permit significant mobility? Fourth International Conference on mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons Plenary session with Association for Biomedical Engineering, Vancouver, July, 1986. Blind people and perception. Science Teachers Association of Ontario Conference, November, 1986. Tactual pictures and the blind. New York State Organization of the Blind Conference, Syracuse, November, 1986. Pictures and the blind. Address in honour of R. Arnheim, Sarah Lawrence, N.Y., October, 1985. Art history, perception and pictures by the blind, Art History Association of Great Britain, London, April, 1985. Arnheim, Gestalt theory and pictures. National Art Education Conference, Champaign-Urbana, October, 1984. Aesthetics, haptics and pictures. 2nd Annual Conference on Applied Psychology, Adelphi University, October, 1983. Perception, epistemology and depiction. Rochester Institute of Technology Conference on the Perception of Pictures, October 1983. Pictorial displays and the blind: Elements, patterns and Metaphors. First International Symposium on Maps and Graphics for the Visually Handicapped: Association of American Geographers, Washington, March, 1983. Syllepsis and catachresis in pictures Third International Summer Institute for Semiotic and Structural Studies), Toronto, June, 1982. Drawings by blind people and a mentalist theory of depiction. Toronto Semiotic Circle meeting, November, 1981. The psychology of depiction. American Medical Illustrators Conference, Toronto, August, 1981. Blind people understanding pictures. Conference on the Laws of Form, Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science, Florence, December, 1980. What is to pictures as Braille is to words? National Braille Association meeting, keynote address, Toronto, October, 1980. Orientation and pictorial representation by the blind. Conference on orientation and mobility. Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Toronto, May, 1981. Element, configuration and metaphor in depiction. Proceedings of the Concordia University Symposium on Perception, Cognition and Representation. Eds. J. Victoria and E. Sacca. Concordia, Montreal, 1979. Some research methods in picture perception. Proceedings of the Concordia University Symposium on Perception, Cognition and Representation. Eds. J. Victoria and E. Sacca. Concordia, Montreal, 1979. Subjective contours - theories and demonstrations, U.S. Army Conference on pictures and perception, Philadelphia Museum of Art, April, 1977. Rules, systems and experience in pictorial communication. The Epistemic Status of Human Emotions Symposium, American Association for the Advancement of Science Denver, 1977. Pictures by and for the blind. Advances in the psychophysical and visual aspects of image evaluation. Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers Conference Rochester, 1977. Images of Science. Paradigms of the Present Symposium, Scarborough College, 1977. Outline drawings: Evidence on three theories. In Visual Perception Visual Art. P. Kelly and R. Menze (Eds.), National Endowment for the Arts Symposium, University of Western Carolina. Cullowhee, N.C.: 1976 (pp. 12-18, 25-29). Identification and different media: A structural analysis. Toronto Faculty Aesthetics Study Group, 1976. Comments on J. J. Gibson's analysis of affordances in architectural layouts. American Society for Aesthetics Meeting, Toronto, 1976. Pictorial metaphor: A theory of movement indicators in static pictures. Information through Pictures Symposium. Swarthmore College, 1976. Rubin's Legacy and a Gibsonian reinterpretation of figure and ground. (Symposium on brightness and space). International Congress of Psychology, 1972, Tokyo, Japan. The influence of paradigms on concepts in psychology. (Symposium on psychology and Society). International Congress of Psychology, 1972, Tokyo, Japan. (Proceedings, Edited T. Shirai, p. 18-22). Children in playgroups. Invited article, Early Years, Fall, 1972. Status: A concept relevant to American and N. Ireland political problems. Invited address: Tompkins County Psychologists Association, 1969.
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