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For Instructors: Ways to Use this Guide

The aim of this guide is to provide shared data from a qualitative interview archive to demonstrate methods of interviewing and analysis. Students will learn from examples of good interviewing techniques, as well as "informative mistakes." The emphasis of the guide is on achieving a high quality of qualitative interviews. At the same time, students will learn that all aspects of research are instructive, and all researchers make "mistakes."

With 18 exercises, the guide is highly interactive. It is designed for individual, independent study, as well as classroom use. Students will benefit from completing the exercises on their own. They can carry on their own qualitative analysis of any interviews in the data set. Alternatively, instructors can use the guide in classroom teaching. Examples can illustrate points in a lecture and provide a common focus for discussion. Exercises are short enough to be used in an interactive classroom. They are adaptable for class demonstration, individual or small group work.

Teaching Qualitative Interviewing Techniques

The data archive is expandable. After completing the section on interview techniques, instructors may ask each student to perform one or more interviews. These additional interviews may be compiled and added to the existing data set. Students then will have the tools to critique their own and others' interview skills. They will understand that some questions inevitably fall flat, even for more experienced researchers.


Teaching Qualitative Analysis Skills

The guide demonstrates all stages of analysis, including drafting and revising a paper based on interview data and secondary research.


Teaching on Substantive Topics

The interviews with members of immigrant families in the data archive provide teaching and learning opportunities on the following substantive topics, among others. Each topic can be explored for a single group or comparatively:

«Purpose What is Qualitative Research»