10th Annual Carnation Sale supporting MS Society of Canada

10th Annual MS Carnation Sales

Friday, May 8, 2009

10:30 am - 2:00 pm

In ARC Concourse by Tim Horton's

In support of the MS Society of Canada


This is to let you know that the sale of carnations for MS is also just around the corner. 
Canada has one of the highest per capita incidences of Multiple Sclerosis in the world.  This devastating neurological disease is usually diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 40 years and occurs in three times as many women as men.  It manifests itself in many ways, all of which affect the quality of that person's life.  The carnation campaign, sponsored by the MS Society of Canada, funds research into the causes and treatment of the disease as well as providing services to MS patients and their families.
The sale is always just before Mother's Day; so, consider purchasing a beautiful bouquet or plant to celebrate that day and know that you have contributed to a great cause as well. 
The 10th annual sale at UTSC will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 pm, on Friday, May 8.  Last year it was in the Academic Resources concourse - just down from Tim Horton's - watch for us there again!
As usual, there will be bouquets of mini-carnations in many colours, mixed bouquets of flowers and mini-carnation plants for sale - and **NEW** this year, there will be 5-stem bouquets of regular carnations .  The cut flowers will all be $6 for each bouquet, or two for $10.  The live plants will be $6 each (no price break for multiples.)
Orders can be done by email (henderso@utsc.utoronto.ca), and you can be assured that these will be held for you to pick up (and pay for) on May 8.  When you place your order, please indicate how many, which kind and what colour you prefer.  Colour choices can usually fulfilled for the bouquets, but the plants often have closed buds and you may have to take your chances with those.
UTSC has been the highest corporate donor in Scarborough for the past 7 years. Please help us achieve that success again.
Ann Verner, Cathy Pickett and Karen Henderson will be helping to run the sale this year.  We look forward to your orders and to seeing you on May 8, 10:30 a.m. to 2pm.