Are you interested in attending graduate school next year?

The University of Toronto Scarborough has organized a number of information/workshop sessions for undergraduate students who are considering attending graduate school in the Fall of 2008.  These sessions are designed to answer questions about life as a graduate student, the application process, opportunities for scholarships, as well as other aspects of Masters and Doctoral studies.

The first session, entitled “What is graduate school and how do I apply” will feature a representative from the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Toronto who will provide a one hour presentation on this topic.  This session will be held on Wednesday, September 12th from 4:00 to 5:00 PM in Room MW 160 (Management Building).

Although admission to university graduate programs is obviously not limited to students holding graduate scholarships, many students are able to improve their opportunity to attend a graduate school or program of their choice by obtaining a scholarship that provides financial support for tuition and living expenses. As such, workshops on the major provincial (Ontario Graduate Scholarship [OGS]) and federal (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council [NSERC] and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council [SSHRC]) scholarship programs are being provided.  As the deadlines for these applications occur very early in the Fall, it is essential that students obtain this information and start the application process as soon as possible.

For students intending to enter graduate programs in the humanities and social sciences disciplines, a graduate scholarship information/workshop on the SSHRC and OGS application process will be held on Tuesday, September 18th from 3:00 to 5:00 PM in Room AA 160 (New Council Chamber, Arts and Administration Building). 

For students intending to enter graduate programs in the life and physical sciences disciplines, a graduate scholarship information/workshop on the NSERC and OGS application process will be held on Wednesday, September 19th from 3:00 to 5:00 PM in Room AA 160 (New Council Chamber, Arts and Administration Building).