'Art of Living' - An Original Theatrical Collaboration

You are invited to attend a special performance of the 'Art of Living', an original theatrical collaboration between the University of Toronto Scarborough, the Studio Ypsilon Theatre Young Company, and on e of Canada's foremost Native theatre companies, De-ba-jeh-mu-jig Theatre Group of Manitouline Islands.
Complimentary tickets for Friday June 2nd and Saturday June 3rd at 8pm in the Leigha Lee Browne Theatre can be obtained by contacting Urooj Khan at 416-208-4769 or ukhan@utsc.utoronto.ca.  Both performances will be followed by a reception with the cast and artistic staff.  Seating is limited.
FREE ADMISSION - All are welcome.

Prague Toronto Manitoulin Theatre Project 4 (PTMTP)
The ensemble will be performing  on several dates:
May 14 (Studio Ypsilon Theatre)
May 16 (Faculty of Alternative Theatre, Academy of Performing Arts)
June 2 and 3, 8pm (Leigha Lee Browne Theatre, U of T Scarborough)
June 5, 8pm (Robert Gill Theatre, U of T )
June 7, 2pm (Pontiac School Gym, Wikwemikong)
June 8, 7pm (Pontiac School Gym, Wikwemikong)
June 10, 7:30pm (Rotunda Theatre, Queen's University)

For additional information visit www.utsc.utoronto.ca/cultural