Campus Vision Presentation

Campus Vision Presentation

June 2nd or 4th (Two Sessions Available)

6:30 - 9:00 pm

AA160, Council Chambers

Registration Necessary to:


Dear campus community,

You are invited to join us for a presentation on our new Campus Vision for a master plan. 

Over the past fall and winter, the UTSC planning group has solicited comments and suggestions from our community, neighbours and partners to create a vision for long-term building development at UTSC.  From this input, we have established principles that will guide the creation of a master plan that will be developed over the next six months.

Please join us for a presentation by Principal Franco Vaccarino on the Campus Vision, followed by a discussion facilitated by Frank Lewinberg of Urban Strategies.

Two sessions will be held in AA160 on:

June 2, 6:30 to 9 pm, or June 4, 6:30 to 9 pm

Refreshments will be served.

To reserve a spot, please RSVP Regan Tigno at and indicate the session that you would like to attend.