Celebration of the Arts 2009 invites participation from across U of T

Creativity will take centre stage March 19 to April 3, 2009 for the U of T Celebration of the Arts—a tri-campus initiative designed to showcase the diversity and richness of U of T's vibrant arts community.
Entering its second year, the celebration will thread together more than 100 events across all artistic disciplines to accentuate the talents of the university's arts community and illustrate to the surrounding community how U of T is a home for excellence in the visual and performing arts.
U of T ArtsZone is currently welcoming U of T community members to submit information about their visual and performing arts events already planned for presentation during the celebration period so they can be included in promotional activities. Please request a Planned Event Form by e-mail at artszone@utoronto.ca or download the form. Completed forms must be returned to U of T ArtsZone before Nov. 28, 2008.
A unique celebration feature is the juried New Works by Students series. U of T ArtsZone is currently calling for project proposals from students and recognized student groups. Jury-selected proposals will receive a bursary and access to mentor support for the creation and presentation of new works for the Celebration. The New Works call for proposals info sheet and form are available through the U of T ArtsZone office or by download. Completed proposals must be returned to U of T ArtsZone before Nov. 21.