Get ready for a week full of food, fun and culture at U of T Scarborough

Raquel Russell

As convocation approaches and summer classes ramp up, the University of Toronto Scarborough is not showing any signs of taking a summer break.

Whether you’re into food, fun or culture, there will be plenty to do on campus this week. Five separate events will be happening from May 23rd to 27th, all capped off by U of T Scarborough’s participation in Doors Open Toronto, one of city’s most popular events of the year.

Starting on May 23, youth from across Scarborough are taking part in a focus group discussion about the Scarborough Walk of Fame’s new Rising Star Award. The award, which will be presented for the first time, celebrates a young person from Scarborough who has made a difference in the lives of others.

“This session is about giving youth a voice and bringing awareness to this new program,” says U of T Scarborough CAO Andrew Arifuzzaman, who also serves on the Scarborough Walk of Fame selection committee.

“There’s a wealth of amazing and talented young people in Scarborough. This award is just one way of showcasing the future of our community.”

May 25 will be about recognizing our own. The Celebration of Distinguished Services will take over the historic Miller Lash House to recognize outstanding members of the campus community.

Last year more than 300 staff, faculty and students took part in one of university’s signature events that features long-service awards as well as teaching and research awards. Notable staff, faculty and students are also honoured with Principal’s Awards for their contributions to the campus community or their fields of work.

Also on May 25, youth from 16 local high schools will be the focus of the Walk with Excellence, hosted by U of T Scarborough.

The Walk is a partnership between the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) and U of T Scarborough to showcase the pride, talents, and accomplishments of local young people. While the event showcases the achievements of one important stage of life, it also celebrates the beginning of an exciting new stage for these students – going to university!

“This event signals our anticipation of welcoming these young people into our community, and our dedication to supporting them during this important transition in their lives,” says Professor Maydianne Andrade, who will provide welcome remarks.  

The presentation in the Meeting Place and organized by volunteers from the TDSB, Department of Computer & Mathematical Sciences, and local community members.

On May 27 not only will U of T Scarborough invite visitors to two Doors Open Toronto sites, it will also host the Scarborough Food Truck Festival. From 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. in parking lot H there will be a wide variety of food trucks to choose from as well as family entertainment including a visit from Reptilia Zoo, Edward the Juggler, and Twinkles the Clown.

The festival supports children and youth programs at the Boys & Girls Club of East Scarborough. 

This year’s Doors Open Toronto is part of TO Canada with Love, the city’s year-long program of celebrations, commemorations and exhibitions marking Canada's 150th birthday. And what better way to celebrate than with a tour of the iconic Andrews Building and the Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre.  

“What’s fascinating about the Andrews Building is that it’s made primarily of four materials: concrete, wood, terracotta stone and glass,” says Campus Architect Jennifer Adams. 

“These materials are strongly connected to the Earth and give a unifying feel to the building, which is what John Andrews strove to achieve in his design.” 

Tours of the Andrews Building will be guided by Architecture & Landscape Design and U of T Scarborough student and alumni volunteers, while Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre staff will give guided tours every hour of the massive athletics centre. Visitors to the Andrews Building will also have an opportunity to check out the UTSC Observatory with guided tours by volunteers from the Centre for Planetary Science on campus.

Meanwhile, students from the Arts, Culture and Media program will also be giving guided tours of celebrated artist and U of T Scarborough alum Doris McCarthy’s former residence in nearby Scarborough Bluffs called Fool’s Paradise.

Check Twitter and Facebook for more information about these events and others happening at U of T Scarborough.