Last week to nominate a prof for Ontario’s Best Lecturer

Nominations for Ontario's "academic idol" close on October 12
This is the final week to nominate a professor for TVO’s Best Lecturer. If you have a professor who has inspired you, whose lectures have changed the way you see your academic discipline or has made you want to run out to be the next Nobel Prize winner on a subject, you may want to send a quick email to nominate that person for TVO’s Best Lecturer.
Nominations are open for one more week for TVO’s Best Lecturer competition, with the October 12 deadline coming fast. Students and alumni are being encouraged to nominate the professor they believe rises above the rest. If you nominate someone before the deadline, you'll automatically be entered into a draw to win one of two iPod touch devices.There are three ways to submit a nomination:
(1) Fill out a nomination form at
(2) Email a note to with the subject line “Best Lecturer Nomination”
(3) Email a short video with detailed information on the nominated lectuer to with the subject line “Best Lecturer Nomination”
Each entry must include the full name of the professor, the university campus and department in which they teach, and a short description of between 50 and 100 words of the reasons why this professor should be nominated. (The nominator must also include his or her own full name, email, address and telephone number.)
A panel of judges will choose 10 finalists from the nominee list to deliver complete televised lectures on TVO’s Big Ideas program this coming winter. Finalists are chosen for their ability to present complex ideas with clarity, energy and authority.
Television viewers will have a chance to grade each of the finalists and cast their vote for Ontario’s next Best Lecturer. The winner’s institution receives a $10,000 TD Meloche Monnex Scholarship. The lecture series, now in its fourth year, is sponsored by TD Meloche Monnex and has played a key role in increasing the profile of Ontario’s great educators.
The previous competition attracted nominations from students and alumni across Ontario. For more information and nomination forms, visit the web site at or send an email to