Life After Graduation

Event:  Life After Graduation Series

Date:  Monday, December 8, 2008

Time:  5:30 - 8:00 pm

Location:  AA160, Council Chambers

RSVP necessary: or 416-287-5631


Congratulations on your new title - U of T alumnus!* So now what? Don’t worry - all new graduates ask the same question. That’s why we've created the Life After Graduation Series – a completely useful graduation gift designed to help you apply your academic success to your professional life, whether in grad school or the workforce.
The Life After Graduation Series is open to students in their graduating year and recent grads up to two years after graduation.*

*Finding work in uncertain times – New Graduate Game Plan!*
Whatever kind of job you are looking for, by learning about job search skills and accessing useful resources, you can increase your success at finding a job you want. Although financial times are uncertain, there are a few basic steps and a host of resources that can simplify your search and help lead you to that first job after graduation. Join us for this Life After Graduation session where we cover the following topics:**
*Job search* - Learn more about hidden jobs and resources that can help you generate and follow up on leads for jobs you really want.
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*Networking* - You may have heard that 80% of positions are never advertised...but did you know that networking is the single most effective method of accessing these hidden opportunities?
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*Interviewing* - Learn and practice successful interview techniques, including effective preparation, telling an interesting story and handling difficult questions.
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Date: Monday, December 8, 2008
Time: 5:30 pm (refreshments), workshop 6 –8 pm
Location: Arts and Administration Building, Council Chambers AA160
RSVP: or 416-287-5631