New Frontiers Seminar Series: Dr. David Nussbaum

New Frontiers Seminar Series: Dr. David Nussbaum
January 21, 2010, 12:00 noon
For More Information:

We would like to inform you that we have our first instalment of the New Frontiers Seminar Series in the new year of 2010 this coming Thursday January 21st at 12 noon in AA160.  Our speaker will be Dr. David Nussbaum, and the title and description of his talk is shown below.

What I Have Learned by Studying and Practicing Psychology for 25 Years?
Originally setting out to be a clinical psychologist, a radically different approach to understanding behaviour was afforded by a third year undergraduate course entitled "Molecular Psychobiology" that changed the focus of my subsequent graduate training.  Following graduate school, I retrained as a clinician and worked within a forensic setting doing both clinical work and research.  I was continuously struck by the absence of behavioural neuroscience in the forensic area and conducted both my clinical and research within a behavioural neuroscience framework. Since coming to UTSC in 2005, I have sought to extend my research focus to the sub-clinical regions showing a) the dimensional as opposed to categorical nature of clinical entities and b) the applicability of neurobiological models to behaviours of clinical interest and c) the advantages of re-conceptualizing behaviour to accommodate behavioural neuroscience.  This talk will highlight some of these ideas and point to where I believe psychology can go to both maximize our understanding of human behaviour and translate basic neuroscience into clinical advancement.

Refreshments will be served.  Hope to see many of you there. The seminar is brought to you by GSAS and The Keg.