"From parasitic plants to biofuels: the awesome power of forward genetics" Free seminar by Prof. McCourt

Event: “From parasitic plants to biofuels: the awesome power of forward genetics” seminar presented by Professor McCourt

Date:  Friday, October 31, 2008

Time:  12 Noon

Location: SY110, Science Research Building Lecture Theatre

Admission:  Everyone Welcome FREE!


This Friday, October 31st, Professor Peter McCourt will be here to deliver the departmental seminar at noon. The title of his seminar is “From parasitic plants to biofuels: the awesome power of forward genetics”. You can glean from the title that addressing many agricultural, energy and economic problems finds a foundation in basic research. Indeed, basic research is the engine that drives innovation and is the launch pad for applications and product discovery, and this talk will highlight the work of one of our own.
Professor McCourt is a member of the Department of Cell and Systems Biology, and is a CRC industrial chair. In the late 1990s, he established a partnership with Performance Plants, an agricultural biotechnology company located in Kingston, Ontario, which led to the commercialization of a process to enhance drought tolerance (see attached file). Currently, Professor McCourt is playing a leading role in the University of Toronto’s foray into biofuel research.
In addition to his stature in the scientific community, Professor McCourt is an engaging and charismatic speaker. I hope that you will join us for what promises to be a very stimulating seminar.
For Faculty: Please advertise this to your students, particularly those in the cell/molecular area.
For Students: An excellent opportunity to see how basic research is translated into practical applications.
Location: SY110 (SRB); note room change from SY205
Time: noon
Date: Friday, October 31st
Costumes: optional