Present Yourself Like an Expert

Present Yourself Like an Expert
Monday, July 12 at 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Thursday, July 15 at 12:30 - 2:00 pm
AC221 (2 doors away from the Library)
Sign up on the INTRANET

In this fun and mind-blowing Communication Café you will have the opportunity to sharpen your persuasive and critical thinking skills. Through the games you will also discover levels of creativity that you may not realize you have. In this relaxed atmosphere, you will have a chance to expand both your academic and general vocabulary.

As every experience with this game is unique, you have plenty of opportunities to challenge your personal abilities to communicate at higher levels each time you play the game. Apply the skills you develop to all your communication needs immediately and note the difference it makes!

Sign up for this Communication Cafe on the Intranet.