Pumpkin Carving Contest "UTSC-vs-The World!"

Pumpkin Carving Contest “UTSC-vs-The WORLD!”
International Student Centre
Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 1-3pm
Student Centre, main floor
For more information: Intranet for details

The International Student Centre challenges the rest of U of T Scarborough to a Pumpkin Carve-off entitled "UTSC -vs- The WORLD"

We are looking for teams of 3 - 4 people from:
- the SCSU
- the Department of Student Life
- the Office of Student Affairs
- Arts and Events
- the Principals Office
- ANY Department/student club !!

Here are the details:
- The ISC will supply a pumpkin and a basic carving knife to each team - your team may bring their own additional material(s) if they so wish
- One member from each team MUST wear some sort of a costume for their pumpkin to be eligible to compete in the contest
- Fusion Radio will be present
- Pumpkin Carving will begin at 1 pm, and judging will take place at 2:45 pm (NOTE: it is not necessary for teams to be present during judging)

NOTE ABOUT OUR JUDGES: The carved pumpkins (a.k.a. Jack O'Lanterns) will be assessed by none other than the children of our wonderful N'Sheemaehn Child Care Centre!!!!

To sign-up a team of 3 or 4 people, please email Stacey Platt at: splatt@utsc.utoronto.ca no later than 3 pm on Friday October 23rd with the following details:
1) Full Name and contact information (email address and telephone number) of Team Leader
2) Team Name
3) Number of people in team
We look forward to the challenge - if you dare!!!