Social Skills Workshop

What: Social Skills Workshop
When: Wednesday January 28
Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (lunch is served at 12:30 pm)
Where: SL-232: SCSU Boardroom
If you answer “Yes” to any of the following questions, the social skills workshop would benefit you!
• Do you feel stressed in social situations or when interacting with others?
• Do you have difficulties in social situations?
• Do you sometimes misread another person’s facial expression or body language?
• Do you sometimes speak before you think causing difficult situations with peers or instructors?
• Do you feel that you have difficulties making friends?
The social skills workshop taking place on January 28 will help to:
• Tell you more about the importance of social skills
• Help you to identify the impact of your disability on social skills
• Develop concrete social skills strategies that are solution-focused
You need to register for the workshop because we are providing a light lunch for those who attend the workshop. You can register for the workshop by going to the intranet and locating the Social Skills Workshop event.
If you have any dietary needs or require accommodations please email:
For more information, please contact AccessAbility Services at 416-287-7560 or