Strengthening Families Together on Campus Educational Sessions

In partnership with the UTSC Mental Health Network and the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario, Strengthening Families Together is a four-session education program for family members and friends of individuals living with mental illness.

The program is designed to give families, caregivers and peers the tools they need to address the day-to-day issues that arise while supporting their relative or a significant person in their lives who are coping with schizophrenia or related illness.

Topics for discussion include: Treatment options, navigating the system, coping skills, effective communication and the criminal justice system.

Where: University of Toronto Scarborough Campus UTSC 
1095 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario , Instructional Building (IC318)

When: Wednesdays 5:00– 7:00 ( May 24, 31, June 7, and 14)

Admission fee : Free

To Register:

CCR approved