Take your best shot in photo contest

Open to all faculty, staff and students
Amateur photographers, take note: the University of Toronto Bulletin and the eBulletin are holding their second annual photo competition. This year's contest takes place from January 28 to March 9.
The contest is being held in conjunction with U of T's upcoming Celebration of the Arts, March 19 to April 3. The winning photos will appear in the March 24 issue of the Bulletin and in issues of the twice-weekly eBulletin beginning March 24.
Amateur photographers are invited to submit photographs to the Bulletin in one of five categories:
1. Flora and fauna (including pets)
2. Campus
3. Travel
4. People
5. Cellphone photos
The Bulletin's professional design team will judge the entries. Winners will be chosen for each category and one of the five winning photos will be awarded the grand prize. The grand prize winner will be chosen from among the five category winners and will have the opportunity to showcase a montage a selection of their photos on the back page of the Bulletin.
No more than two entries per category may be submitted by any individual. Entries should be submitted by e-mail to bulletin.photo@utoronto.ca. All entrants will be asked to sign a photo release form allowing use of the photos in the Bulletin, eBulletin and other university websites or publications.
Entries should include:
1. Photographers name and university contact information
2. Identification of the subject(s)
3. A brief description of the work (what it portrays, intent)
Take this opportunity to show your skill to your colleagues and to share your talents with the U of T community.

by Elaine Smith