#UoftGrad17: Caitlin Cosgrove

If you don’t find Caitlin Cosgrove in the Tim Horton’s on campus she is probably in the Valley kicking a ball around, where she feels most at home at UTSC.

 “Many friendships were made on that field with both good and bad memories—but mostly good,” she says.

While at UTSC Cosgrove was actively involved in Athletics Advisory Committee and on various athletics boards as a U of T representative, while also playing on various intramural and Interhouse sport teams, including soccer, Frisbee and volleyball. She started an initiative to get women on campus more involved in the athletics departments at UTSC.

“I hope that after I graduate, more work will be continued to help get women more involved in sports and physical activity,” she says.

Cosgrove graduated with a specilalist in Mental Health Studies and hopes she will work with at-risk populations in breaking the cycle of mental health. 

Caitlin Cosgrove: 

Where did you go to high school?

Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School.

Why did you come to UTSC?

Initially I never planned to come to UTSC. I never even visited the campus prior to accepting my application. However, I soon realized I did not want to go away for school and decided to stay in my hometown, Scarborough. It was the best decision I ever made.   

Why did you choose your program?

I graduated with a Specialist in Mental Health. Mental Health is a great program because you will never run out of work. No matter what industry you end up working in, mental health is a key component to success. I love my program because it helped me understand others and myself.

What was your favourite class? Why?

My favourite class is PSYC35 Advanced Personality with Professor Marc Fournier. I recommend that everyone in the Mental Health or Psychology programs take this course.

What is the best-kept secret on campus?

UTSC’s best-kept secret is the valley. Not a lot of students make the trek down or even know it exists. There are beautiful paths, which lead through the forest to a creek. If you are lucky, you might even spot a few deer and other animals who live in the area. .

Quick tip for new first years?Go to every department and find out what awesome services they provide.

What is a “must-do” on campus – what should every student do before graduating?
Every student must use the Toronto Pan American Centre. There are two Olympic-sized pools, an indoor track, rock climbing, and drop-in sports.   

What are you passionate about? What would you like the world to know about you?

I am very passionate about soccer. It is not only a way to stay active, but also very good for your well-being and mental health. You create many friendships playing sports and it is a good way to gain leadership and communication skills.

What was your most rewarding accomplishment during your time here?

My most rewarding accomplishment is receiving my UTSC Letter Award. I was presented with this award for promoting more female participation at UTSC, specifically in the soccer program. I worked on changing policy to incorporate more females and challenging programs to make them overall more inclusive.

What is next?

Next for me is going to college to get a diploma in Social Work. I have learned the theoretical components of Mental Health through my undergraduate degree, but now it is time for something a little more hands-on. 

If we call you up in five years, where do you think we will find you?

I cannot tell you where my journey will take me, but I know for sure I will be working in the mental health field. I would love to work with at-risk populations, specifically working with children and youth because I believe prevention is extremely important in the cycle of mental health. I hope to unite my two passions, mental health and physical activity to help promote a healthier lifestyle, and thus improve the overall health and well-being of people. 


To read about more of the class of 2017 graduates click here