UTSC Winter Term Update

University of Toronto Scarborough Sign

Dear Students,

As we continue to work towards our safe return to campus, we wanted to provide some additional information regarding in-person classes resuming as of February 7, 2022.

Mid next week, all students can check on Quercus or with your course instructors to find out when any in-person elements of your courses will resume. The Office of the Registrar's website will also include updated information late next week regarding which courses will be resuming in person, and when.

I will also be hosting an information session for students shortly. This session will provide an opportunity to address any questions you may have. Please watch for an invitation to come in the next few days.


Wisdom J. Tettey, PhD, FGA

Vice-President, University of Toronto

Principal, University of Toronto Scarborough

Professor, Department of Political Science

Professor, Department of Global Development Studies