UTSCAA Annual General Meeting, Nov. 21, 2005

Dear Alumni,

Please join us for the University of Toronto at Scarborough Alumni Association’s (UTSCAA) Annual General Meeting as we reflect on our achievements over the past year and plan for the years ahead. The AGM will be held on Monday, November 21, 2005 at 7 p.m. at UTSC, 1265 Military Trail in the Council Chamber, Room S-403.

The AGM is held once a year for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports and transacting other business as necessary. Over the past year, UTSCAA has been involved in a number of exciting events on campus, including the selection of the Alumni Scholarship winners as well as a reception to celebrate with the recipients and their families, Spring Convocation, Spring Reunion, the Principal’s Welcome event and representation on the Watt’s Lecture Selection Committee. UTSCAA also supports various student groups in the form of financial awards toward projects and events held on campus. These activities all contribute to the Mission of the UTSCAA, which is,

"To engage the alumni membership, in all its diversity, in a lifelong relationship committed to fostering excellence in scholarship, community and the work of the University, building up tradition and service.”

There is a call for nominations to fill the voting positions of Campus Liaison Officer, Communications Officer, Special Events/Fund Development Officer and Volunteer Recruitment Officer. With the election of a new Executive Committee at the AGM on November 21st, we hope to develop further Strategic Plans for the short and longer terms as we look forward to a more exciting and engaging future for the UTSCAA. In the words of U of T President, Dr. David Naylor in response to the question of what role alumni could play at the University,

“It would be great if more alumni could take on mentorship roles with current students. I know some divisions and campuses have initiated mentorship programs. Let’s evaluate and fine-tune the existing programs and then implement them more widely. I’d also turn the question around. We need to ask our alumni how they would like to be involved with the institution. We’ve become better at communicating to our alumni. Now we need more of a dialogue.” 

Let’s make an effort to increase that dialogue!

Please share with us in light refreshments as we further reflect on our past year’s accomplishments and plan for the upcoming year(s). If you would like to be considered for or nominate someone for one of the available positions please contact Vinitha Gengatharan at vinitha@utsc.utoronto.ca or 416-287-7650. Details of the responsibilities of each position will be provided upon request.

I look forward to seeing you on Monday, November 21, 2005 and encourage you to bring a friend or two along.

Yours truly,

Naraindra Prashad
President, UTSCAA