News & Features

U of T Scarborough researcher discovers critically endangered bats living in two new locations

The Jamaican flower bat is so endangered, it was believed only a small colony of around 500 existed, all living in a single cave. Until now. 

Discovery about protective wax around plants might hold the key to developing stronger crops

A team of U of T Scarborough researchers have discovered that the waxy protective barrier around plants might play a role in sending chemical signals to other plants and insects.   The…

Study finds using the present tense makes people find your words significantly more believable and helpful

One Amazon review is written in the past tense — “I was thrilled when I put on this shirt!” Another reads, “I will definitely wear this shirt a lot.” A study finds neither is nearly as persuasive…

Did you repeatedly upset your friend? A study finds you don’t feel as guilty as they think

You messed up — forgot a birthday, blew off plans, didn’t pull your weight in a group project — now your friend’s mad and you feel bad. But soon you mess up again. Then again. A new study discovered…

Afrosonic Innovation Lab provides a thriving space for music of the African diaspora

A growing academic space at U of T Scarborough is offering students a meaningful outlet to engage with music from the African diaspora.  Launched in 2021, the Afrosonic Innovation Lab …

The Barbie movie got it wrong when it comes to baby dolls — this Indigenous collection is proof

The teaser for the Barbie movie opens with a falsified fact — that before Barbie, girls only ever played with baby dolls. Miriam Castillo Orozco is reminded daily that this isn’t true. 

Magazine uses fiction to explore the toll taken by climate change – and our response

A new publication launched by the Environmental Governance Lab (EGL) in the University of Toronto's Faculty of Arts & Science is using speculative fiction to examine the toll climate…

‘An Itsy Bitsy Audience’: Babies find live music more engaging

You don't have to be an adult to feel the power of live opera – even babies prefer to attend in person, a new study suggests. When infants watched a live performance of a baby opera, their heart…

Toronto’s net zero carbon plan needs young people — researchers are helping get them involved

The City of Toronto plans to reduce city-wide carbon emissions to net zero by 2040, and U of T researchers are helping make sure young people play a key role in reaching its goal. 

New institutional strategic initiative puts focus on UN sustainable development goals

The University of Toronto has launched SDGs@UofT, a new Institutional Strategic Initiative (ISI) aimed at having a substantive global impact by supporting sustainable development.

Innovative tool to monitor mercury pollution earns U of T Scarborough researchers prestigious award

An innovative air sampler that can monitor mercury pollution without using electricity has landed a trio of researchers a prestigious award.  The Mercury Passive Air Sampler (MerPAS) was…

A popular to eat crab is losing its sense of smell and climate change might be the culprit

A new U of T Scarborough study finds that climate change is causing a commercially significant marine crab to lose its sense of smell, which could partially explain why their populations are thinning…