News & Features

Gender Studies course gets students to grow their own food

Jeda McCall had never tried gardening before taking Gender in the Kitchen. Now she doesn’t hesitate to hop into a garden bed and crouch in the dirt, searching for weeds. “Everyone learns differently…

Colourful ode to Pluto is a fitting tribute from UTSC astrophysicist

As the first close-up images of Pluto taken by NASA’s New Horizons space probe were being unpacked back on Earth, they revealed a stunning sight. Not only is the terrain of the small, icy world…

“Exciting but hectic” - New principal will spend the summer in transition

As Wisdom Tettey officially becomes Vice-President and Principal of U of T Scarborough this week, he’s got a busy summer ahead of him. He will be winding down his work at the Okanagan campus of the…

'Young, gifted and Black': U of T students celebrate second annual Black Graduation

With former Black Students' Association President Sasha Henry singing “To Be Young, Gifted and Black,” approximately 70 Black students at the University of Toronto walked into Hart House's…

Plastic pollution isn’t just a problem in our oceans. It’s also affecting the Great Lakes

When it comes to plastics polluting our water, it’s not just the world’s oceans we need to worry about says U of T assistant professor Chelsea Rochman. “The contamination in the Great Lakes and other…

Photo Gallery: Congratulations, 2018 U of T Scarborough Graduates!

This week, 1,690 U of T Scarborough students celebrate becoming alumni at four different ceremonies.  "To the graduating class let me say thank you. Thank you for your many contributions to…

Campus building wins national award for sustainable design

A research building at U of T Scarborough has been recognized for its innovative sustainable design by the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC).  The Environmental Science and Chemistry…

U of T students to host second Black graduation ceremony

There's a treasure hunt going on in the home of Matthew Campbell-Williams. Competition is so fierce for his guest tickets to Black Graduation at the University of Toronto that the fourth-year…

University Mourns Student Killed in House Fire

The University of Toronto is mourning the death of a student who died in a house fire near the university's Scarborough campus. Four UTSC students were in the house at the time of the fire, which…

U of T leaders come together to discuss challenges, opportunities around promoting equity and diversity

University of Toronto has made great strides in promoting equity and inclusivity, but there is still “a heck of a lot to do to ensure that everyone with potential can flourish and make a difference…

Local graduating high school students celebrate their next big step in life at U of T Scarborough

Yesterday more than 400 Grade 12 students gathered at U of T Scarborough as part of the Walk With Excellence – a six-year annual event that honours graduating high school students. Following a…

Spring has sprung! Cherry blossoms begin annual bloom on campus

The cherry blossoms in Sakura Grove located between H-Wing and the Social Sciences building are beginning to bloom, signalling the symbolic arrival of spring. There are 50 blossoms on campus that…